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hi guys this is the final chapter omg (aside from the ig chapter) i decided not to add the premiere bc i already did a premiere in 'BITCH' and it would literally be the exact same, and i feel like i can't get a a decent final chapter out of it).

Aria lay in bed, scrolling through her phone. Her show, 'A', had recently came out, and everyone seemed to love it. She was receiving fanart, comments and messages telling her how well she did.

She was happy to be getting good attention, rather than the huge hate train she'd received not long ago, which she'd now almost gotten over.

"I told you everyone would love it," Tristan said.

"I guess I was worried for nothing," Aria laughed.

"Yeah, no shit. You did great, plus you looked totally hot. We should go out."

"Right now? Where?"

"I don't know, the park? There's this really cool spot with like, a ton of flowers, and trees so we can hide."

"Hide from what?"

"Everything. I want some alone time with you."

"Tristan, we live together, we always have alone time."

"Just shut up and get ready."

Aria did so, not putting much of an effort into what clothes she wore. She didn't put on any makeup like she usually did, she was too lazy.

"You look so pretty," Tristan said.

"Even without all the makeup?" Aria asked.

"Obviously. Come on, let's go."

The two walked hand in hand to the park. Aria was stopped a few times by people asking for photos, but eventually got to the park with no real interruptions.

Tristan took her away from the path and up a hill, into an area surrounded by trees. There were bushes everywhere with flowers on them. "You know me so well," Aria said, taking in her surroundings.

"Good, because I wanted to ask you something."

"Really? What?"

"I turn eighteen in May."

"Are you gonna tell me what you want for you birthday, because that is seriously unromantic."

"No, Ari. Anything from you would be perfect. I wanted to talk about something my serious," he held her hand.

"I've been saving money, and I was wondering if you'd move in with me. As in, like, to our own place. Imagine us in our own little apartment. We could kiss, like, everywhere. No parents. And, I'll make sure they allow pets so we can have that big dog you talked about. If you don't want to, its fine. I know we've only been together a few months, so maybe it's rushed, but I figured considering we already live together now, it'd be a-"

"Tristan, stop."


"Stop blabbering," Aria laughed, "Of course I'll move in with you. Only if I get to decorate, though."

"You can make it look however you want. I'll live anywhere if it's with you."

Aria looked into her boyfriends eyes, leaning in to kiss him. He held onto her tightly, he never wanted to let her go. Aria pulled away. "Do you think Tatum would be mad if we named our dog after her?" She asked.

"Oh, totally. Not to mention that's like, really creepy. Also, why were you thinking about Tatum while we kissed?"

Aria rolled her eyes, "I wasn't. I was thinking about you, then my future with you, then I started thinking about names to call our dog. I guess it is kind of weird to name a dog after a person, though."

"We'll think about names when we get to it, okay? Right now we need to look for a place. And talk to my parents. I'm sure they'll approve, though. Hey, maybe this means we'll get married, too."

"Obviously. I'm thinking a big castle,  pink bridesmaids dresses, a humongous train, and Brady or Mason walking me down the aisle. Whichever one you don't have as your best man."

"God, that's a hard decision. I'll have to flip a coin."

The two laughed together, spending the rest of their day talking about their new apartment.

The months passed by and Tristan finally turned eighteen

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The months passed by and Tristan finally turned eighteen. It was a long process buying an apartment, especially trying to find one that was close to home and allowed pets. When they finally found one, they were quick to buy it and even quicker to move in.

Aria carried in a box full of cutlery, plates and other kitchen things. "God, this shit is heavy," she said. Everyone else was helping the couple move in.

"Maybe leave the heavy lifting to the people who actually lift," Tatum joked.

"Not you, then," Aria said, opening up the box and putting the cutlery into the kitchen drawers.

"Aria, where do I put this?" Tristan asked, walking in with a handful of clothes.

"Oh my God, Tris, where would you out clothes other than the closet?" Aria rolled her eyes as Tristan made his way into their new bedroom.

The boys had proven pretty useless in the whole moving in process, so it was mainly the girls doing the work while the boys messed around. "God, are you sure you can live with him?" Becca joked.

"I think I'll feel a lot less stressed once we get a dog. I was thinking a golden retriever," Aria said.

"That'll take up the whole couch," Maddy said.

"I'll get it it's own couch."

When they finally finished their last bit of unpacking, everyone went home. Tristan and Aria sat on the couch, raking in their new apartment.

"It's perfect," Tristan said, looking at the wall.

"It's just a wall, it can't exactly be awful," Aria said.

Tristan turned to face Aria. "Not the wall. This. Us, living together, alone. I feel like it's the final step in our relationship, other than marriage, of course, but I think we have to wait a little longer for that."

"A little longer? At least ten years."


"I'm not getting married at twenty two."


"You're right, though. This is perfect. You're perfect."

Tristan leaned in, pressing a kissing on Aria's cheek. "We're perfect."

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