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this chapter will contain themes of (almost) eating disorders. the reason i say almost is bc nothing is diagnosed, and its also only the very start. this topic will be a recurring topic. in most chapters, it will only be small hints. i'll put tws in the chapters where its a big theme.

ik that this is a harsh topic and unfortunately something very relatable for a lot of people, so please think of yourself first and skip past this chapter if you think you're going to be triggered. i write about this from experience that i've had in the past with my own body. i was lucky enough to get better before it became something genuinely dangerous for my body, but a lot of people don't and i believe that this is something that needs to be noticed, especially with teen girls and in the entertainment industry.

i'll put a summary at the end of the chapter for anyone who wants to skip past. ily!

"Eat," Aria's mom said. Aria stared down at her food, twirling it around her fork. "Aria, I've seen some of your comments recently. If this is because of them, then-"

"Oh my God, mom. I'm not a fucking pussy, I can handle a few comments. I'm just not hungry right now. I'll have some toast later or something," Aria said, getting up from her seat and going to her bedroom.

She felt bad for getting mad at her mom, but she was annoyed. She felt like she'd been babied by her the past few days. Her mom was right, though. She was letting the comments get to her. She lied when she said she wasn't hungry. She was. She was so hungry. But she couldn't bring herself to eat much. She was eating, yeah, but not enough.

She found herself checking the calories on everything she ate, cutting food into smaller pieces. She was also chewing gum and drinking water way more often.

She looked through her phone, texts coming in from the group chat.

the best cast📞

i haven't seen you guys for
like 3 whole days
we need to go out tmrw


we haven't been out to eat in


we went out for italian not
long ago

the last time we went out for
talian was when you were
filming HTKAOYF
that was 5 months ago
plus the italian is the only good
restaurant around here
so unless you wanna drive an
hour then it's italian

i woudlnt mind being in the car

yeah and me and tristan would be
the ones driving
italian it is


i'm down

me 2

me 3



are you coming?

yh sure

Aria stared down at her phone. She didn't wanna eat out, but she also didn't wanna be the only one who didn't go. She'd look boring, plus she'd feel left out.

She flopped down onto her pillow, feeling dizzy, and fell asleep early, sleeping through the entire night.

She flopped down onto her pillow, feeling dizzy, and fell asleep early, sleeping through the entire night

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Aria woke up the next morning at eleven am. They were going out at two pm, so she had time, but they'd probably wanna meet earlier to hang out, first.

She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, trying her best to focus on looking at her face, not letting her eyes stray towards her body.

When she finished brushing her the, she got changed. Again, trying not to look in the mirror for too long. She finally left, again showing up later than everyone else.

"What made you late this time?" Tristan asked.

"Probably checking herself out," Tatum laughed.

Aria forced a laugh. She knew Tatum was joking, but the fact that she wanted nothing less than to check herself out made the joke unfunny to her.

It was one pm, so they decided to hang out around the area of the restaurant. Tristan walked over to Aria, lowering his voice when he spoke. "Are you okay? You seem a little off."

"What? I'm fine. Just tired, I guess. I think we should tell everyone about us. Maybe not today, but like, soon."

"Fine by me. I can't wait to tell everyone you're mine," Tristan smiled. He went to touch her, she she tensed up. "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing. I guess I'm just not in the mood to, like, kiss and stuff right now. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay, don't worry about it. I think everyone's waiting for us anyway. Come on."

The two walked over to the others, spending another hour outside before going into the restaurant snd being seated. Aria looked over the menu, looking at the amount if calories in each meal. "I might just get a salad," she said.

Everyone found it normal, figuring she wasn't in the mood for Italian. Except Tristan and Brady. They looked at each other, both giving Aria the same look.

Brady got out his phone and typed out s message, then Tatum's phone went off.

private messages

that's weird


a salad in an italian

maybe she's just not in the mood for
italian food

aria loves italian food

you may be reading too much into it
keep an eye on her


The waiter came over to take everyone's drink orders. "I'll have a diet coke," Aria said.

"I'm sorry, we don't have diet. Are you okay with normal coke?" The waiter said.

"Oh, no it's fine, I'll just have a water."

This time, Tatum caught on. She looked over at Brady and Tristan, who seemed to be giving her a look as if to ask if she agreed with them. She nodded, looking over at Aria with a sympathetic look. She didn't seem to notice.

Tristan was sat opposite Aria, so he couldn't reach her. He figured that this was the reason she didn't want him touching her. All he wanted to do in that moment was hold her hand and hug her, but he was too far away.

When the food came, Aria finished before everyone else. She excused herself to the bathroom. A worried look crossed Tristan and Brady's face, and Tatum followed Aria to the bathroom.

When Tatum walked in, she found Aria checking her makeup. She let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "You okay?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, I just needed to fix my lip gloss," Tatum lied, putting a lip gloss from her pocket and applying it to her lip. When the two returned, Tatum mouthed "It's okay" to Tristan and Brady.

They both seemed relieved, but still worried for their friend. Aria seemed clueless to the fact that they'd caught on, staring down at her plate and feeling guilty.

basically aria had been getting a lot of comments and they made her rlly insecure so she wasnt each well. she lashed out on her mom when she noticed.

the group went out to eat at a restaurant snd tristan, brady and tatum noticed that aria was acting odd and only ate a salad and drank water.

aria went to the bathroom and tatum followed her just in case but she was only fixing her makeup. she hasn't noticed that they're worried yet.

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