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author speaks
hi guys! usually i put my author speaks at the end of the chapter but i feel like this needs clarifying before we start. i put my oc tatum in this story (ur a real one of u know who she is🫶🏻) and i already have a story out with her. just pretend that aria was in 'BITCH' if you've read it (if not u don't need to worry about it but also u should totally read it)

to avoid confusion, tatum is miguels gf and tristans best friend, her face claim is ariana greenblatt. anyway, enjoy the story!

"We should get married," Tristan said, looking up at his best friend, who sat on the bed scrolling through her phone.

"We're seventeen. Also, if I marry anyone so early, I promise it wouldn't be you," Aria replied.

"First of all, it totally would," Tristan got up from the floor and sat next to Aria, "Second of all, I don't mean right now. I mean, like, if we're still single by forty, we should just move in together and get married."

"It's a cute idea, Tris, but I promise you I won't be single by forty. Look at me."

"Looks fade, and you don't exactly have much of a personality."

"If I have no personality, then you're an idiot for being my best friend."

"I'm your idiot."

Aria flicked Tristan's forehead as the bedroom door opened, revealing the rest of their friend group: Mason, Maddy, Becca, Miguel, Tatum and Brady. They'd just came back from getting snacks to watch a movie with.

"What were you guys doing?" Brady asked.

"Making out," Tristan replied, laughing. Aria slapped him lightly on the face.

"You wish. I was being harassed by Tristan asking me to marry him," Aria rolled her eyes.

"God, Tristan. Could you be more obvious about your undying love?" Becca joked.

"I don't think I could if I tried. Please, Ari! Please love me!" Tristan jokingly begged.

"Get out of my bed," Aria pushed him.


"Boys on the floor, girls on the bed."

"It's not like that at Mason's house."

"Does this look like Mason's house?" Aria pointed around her room. It, in fact, did not look like Mason's house.

"It's only fair, Tris," Tatum said.

"No, it's not. Miguel, tell your girlfriend to stop being unfair," Tristan looked for Miguel to back him up. Miguel went to say something, but Tatum glared at him. He shrugged.

Tristan rolled his eyes and sat on the floor. Tatum, Becca and Maddy joined Aria on the bed. "There won't be enough room up here for us to sleep, though," Maddy said.

"We're sleeping in the living room," Becca reminded her.

They decided to watch a horror film, like they always did at their sleepovers. They watched Insidious, which Aria had already watch a thousand times. She wanted to watch Midsommar, but Tatum was totally against it due to her fear of blood. It had gotten less extreme over time, but she still hated blood, and Midsommar was full of it.

When the film was over, everyone decided it was time to go to sleep. "Who's gonna stay in here with Aria?" Mason asked.

"Me!" Tristan practically jumped in the air.

"You're very eager," Brady laughed.

"I don't wanna sleep on the floor."

"You've never had a problem with it before," Miguel raised an eyebrow.

"Well I have a problem with it now."

Everyone laughed as they left the room, leaving Tristan and Aria alone. "If you kick me in my sleep, I'm gonna kill you," Aria said.

"You know I'd never do that to you," Tristan said, hugging Aria as he got into bed.

"You totally would," Aria said, wriggling out of the hug and turning to face the wall.

"You're right. Hey, Aria?"


"Do you ever think about, like, the future?"

"Shut the fuck up and go to sleep. I'm not getting deep with you right now. I'm tired."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you."

Aria eventually fell asleep, but Tristan was still awake. That wasn't out of character for him, he was always up later than everyone else. He scrolled through TikTok, the volume at one per cent.

He came across a ship edit of Bruce and Carol (Aria's character). He was confused. The two never interacted. They looked good together, though. Him and Aria looked good together.

He looked over at the girl sleep next to him. She looked beautiful. Like an angel. He put his phone down and wrapped his arms around her, eventually drifting off to sleep himself.

In the morning, Aria woke up to an empty bed

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In the morning, Aria woke up to an empty bed. She checked the time. Eleven in the morning. Aria rolled out of bed, heading to the living room to find that everyone else was already awake.

"Good morning, lazy," Tristan said.

"Shut up," Aria said, heading to the coffee machine. "Does anyone want coffee?"

Becca and Tatum nodded. "Make me one," Tristan said.

"You don't even like coffee."

"I know, just seeing how well you know me," Tristan winked and Aria scoffed.

She made the three coffees, handing two to Becca and Tatum. The group all sat on the floor, laughing and chatting all morning until it was time for everyone to go home.

As Tristan headed for the door, he turned to Aria. "Seriously, Ari, you should think about that marriage thing."

"Get out of my house."

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