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"What the hell?" Tristan said when Aria told him what had happened. "What a pair of psychos! You're welcome to stay here for as long as you want to. Forever, if you need it, okay? Next time your so called parents go out me and you can go over and get the rest of you stuff, okay?"

Aria nodded. She wanted to talk, but she was choked up and in hysterics. "You don't need to say anything," Tristan said, pulling her into a hug. He made a promise to protect her from her father, and just a few days later he was back in her house. Her home.

Aria eventually fell asleep, rolling off of Tristan. His shirt was stained with her tears, but he didn't mind. He took it off to change into a new one. He looked back at Aria, feeling guilty and protective.

When they were friends, she's always seemed so stubborn and confident. Now that she'd opened up to him, he noticed just how vulnerable she was.

He worried about what Aria's dad would do if he found out where she was staying. He knew that her mom knew, but he didn't known whether she'd tell him.

Either way, he knew that her dad was now in the same area as them. Aria would feel unsafe doing anything, and it was his job to make he feel better, even if it was just a bit.

He finally climbed back into bed, holding onto Aria tighter than he had before, silently promising to do everything in his power to make her feel safe.

He finally climbed back into bed, holding onto Aria tighter than he had before, silently promising to do everything in his power to make her feel safe

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The next morning Aria woke up first, multiple messages on her phone. She felt worry fill her body as she saw who they were from.

private messages

I know you're at that boys house.
Your mom won't tell me where it
is, but trust me I'm going to find
it and beat the living daylights out
of that boy.
He's getting in your head.
You're going to be trapped with him
sooner than you know it.
Come home, Aria.
We miss you.

Tristan woke up pretty much right after Aria, also looking down at her phone. She looked up at him, surprised to see him awake so early. He had bags under his eyes.

"He won't lay a hand on either of us, okay?" Tristan said, kissing Aria on the cheek and getting out of bed, "Do you want a coffee?"

Aria nodded. Tristan realised he hadn't actually heard her voice since she told him what had happened with her mom.

Tristan handed Aria her coffee. "Thank you," she said.

"It's nice hearing you talk. Listen, I don't wanna rush you, but I really do think we need some more of you stuff from your house. I mean, you only have like three days worth of stuff packed. Any idea when your parents are gonna be out?"

"I remember my mom saying something about a ski trip Saturday, in two days, she'll probably take my dad with her," Aria said.

"Great. You have your keys, right?"

"Yeah. Hey, babe, thanks for letting me stay here."

Tristan smirked. "I thought tou hated the word babe."

"Yeah, well, it's grown on me. You've grown on me."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Tristan leaned in to kiss Aria, before his phone started ringing. "It's Tay," he said, answering the phone and putting it on speaker phone. "Hey, what's up?"

"Why is there a bag of stuff on Aria's porch? I'm getting flashbacks. Are you guys okay?"

Tristan pure the phone on mute for a second, "Can I tell her?" He asked aria. She nodded. He told Tatum the whole story, and she agreed to bring the bag of stuff to Tristan's house.

Tatum agreed it wouldn't be a good idea for her to stay, not yet. Aria needed some alone time, obviously accompanied bu Tristan.

The whole thing made Tatum sick to her stomach. It probably would've made even the calmest people red with anger.

Tristan had hated Aria's dad the second she told the story about him. Now that he was back, it was more than hatred, if that was even possible. Just thinking about what he did and could do to Aria made him seething, and Tristan was a pretty calm person.

"You know, if he puts a hand on you, I'll kill him," he said.

"Where's this coming from?" Aria asked.

"I was just thinking. He makes me mad. The thought of him hurting you. I'm surprised I didn't do anything to Ava. But this guy, I'd deck him if I got the chance."

"Well, let's hope you don't. Hopefully my mom will realise how much of a dick he is and kick him out soon."

"Would you go back to her?"

"I don't know. I have money from 'A' to buy my own place, and I'm almost eighteen, so. Probably not."

"Would you buy a place with me?"

"I mean, even before the incident we practically lived together, always having sleepovers and stuff. Of course I'd buy a place with you. We could have a dog."

"What kind of dog?"

"One of those big ones that people thing are scary but are actuallt really nice."

"Like you?"

"Are you calling me a bitch?"

"My bitch."

Aria laughed, leaning into Tristan and connecting their lips. As she kissed him, she realised that this was what she wanted. Waking up to Tristan bu her side, coffee, quick morning make out sessions (that really aren't that quick). All that was missing right now was a big dog, and she could do without that for now. All she needed was him.

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