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A week went by with no contact from Aria's parents. She wasn't complaining. She didn't want them to contact her.

She also hadn't left Tristan's house for a week. He finally convinced her to go to the park, since barely anyone was ever there.

It was December, so Aria stole one of Tristan's jumpers.

"Wait, so how long is this gonna go on?" Becca asked, referring to Aria staying with Tristan.

"As long as it takes my mom to apologise," Aria said.

Everyone was now aware that Aria had moved out because of her mom. They didn't know what she'd done, but didn't question it further, it was pretty evident that Aria was still shaken up about it.

They finally got onto the topic of Christmas, which was just over two weeks away. "God," Aria said, turning to Tristan"This is gonna be our first Christmas together."

"What? We've known each other since spring last year, (authors note: idk when they filmed tbp so just pretend this is accurate, also sorry for putting an a/n in the middle of speech thats so ugly okay bye) it's our second Christmas," Tristan said, confused.

"No, idiot, I mean as a couple," she said.

"Ugh, that means I need to put in more effort for your present," he jokingly complained, earning laughs from the group.

"We should do something the day after Christmas. I mean, obviously we'd be with our families on Christmas Day," Mason started, before looking up at Aria, "Shit, sorry, I-"

"No, no, don't worry. I will be with ny family," she smiled at Tristan.

"Cheesy, but cute," Mason said, before continuing, "We should go to dinner after Christmas, like a second Christmas."

Everyone agreed and they began to plan their late Christmas day out. The sun began to sat, and the park was now completely empty, excluding the group.

Aria looked around, seeing a man wearing a balaclava approaching the group. "Guys, there's a really shady guys coming over to us," Aria said.

They went to stand up, but the man called out. "Hey, you guys got any spare change?" He asked.

They didn't want to give the many any, but they figured that giving him change would help to avoid any conflict. Brady took through his pockets, taking out all of the change he had.

When the man came over to take the money from Brady's hand, their noses filled with the scent of alcohol. Aria scrunched up her nose. "That's a tempting scent, isn't it?" The man said to her.

"What?" She asked.

"You know what I mean. This tour boyfriend?" The man pointed to Tristan.

Tristan stepped back, holding his arm out in front of Aria protectively. "Yeah, I am," he said, "And who are you?"

"I wasn't asking you, pretty boy," the man said. Aria had heard the voice before.

"Leave us alone," she said.

"Why?" Said the man, removing the balaclava, "I just wanna reconnect with you, Ari." Aria's eyes widened at the sight of her father. She felt sick to her stomach, trying not to cry. She couldn't get ant words out. "Have you been living with this guy?" Her father asked. She said nothing.

"She doesn't want anything to do with you," Brady said.

"It's so nice that you have friends who are willing to stand up for you. But I'm a nice guy. They don't need to stand up to me. I just want us to have a father-daughter relationship again."

"Then have another child," she spat.

"This is the man in your life now?" He asked, looking at Tristan, "God, Ari, he's barely even taller than you. This isn't a real man. You need your father in your life."

"You're not her father," Tristan said. He pushed Aria back gently, away from him and her dad.

"Tristan, don't," she said, although she seemed to be the only one who was against what was about to happen. Mason wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back as Tatum held her hand.

"Let him," Tatum said. Brady took out his phone and dialled 911, but didn't actually call yet.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Aria's father asked, stepping closer to Tristan.

"Some deadbeat who doesn't know how to care for his daughter or treat his wife properly, an alcoholic, a total man-whore, an idiot, the list goes on."

"You come into my daughters life and corrupt her, and now you're talking to me, the man who raised her, like shit. How dare you?"

"The man who raised her? Her mom raised her, and she clearly doesn't care about her if she's bringing you back into her-"

Tristan was cut off when Aria's father swung for him. Aria brought a hand to her mouth, but was still held back by Mason. "Get off of me," she said.

"Let him do what he needs to do," Mason whispered.

"What? Get his ass kicked?"

"Just trust me."

Aria still struggled, but to no avail. Brady called the cops and everyone watched as Aria's father landed hits on Tristan, before he pushed him off of him and started hitting back. Tristan saw red, landing more, harder punches on her father.

Miguel jumped forward, prying Tristan off of Aria's father, who was now slipping in and out of consciousness. "Shit, he's gonna get totally arrested," Aria panicked.

"Only if your dad presses charges," Tatum said, "Would he?"

"Father, not dad. And no. If he pressed charges against Tristan, he'd go to jail too, since he threw the first punch. Plus, I'd sue him for child abuse and neglect, so. He'd be stupid to press charges.

Tristan and Miguel walked back over to the group. Tristan's face and knuckles were bloody, but he was fine. At least better than his opponent. Aria turned to look away from him, rolling her eyes.

As her father stood up, clearly looking for a round two, the police finally showed up. They spoke to Aria's father first, asking if he wanted to press charges. He must have said no, because Tristan was free to live after they spoke to him and everyone else.

The walk home for Aria and Tristan was silent. His parents weren't home, so they luckily wouldn't have to explain anything to them, but Aria still seemed mad.

"Listen, babe, I'm sorry. I know that he's your dad and all, but-" Tristan began.

"He's not my fucking dad!" She yelled, leaving a shocked look on Tristan's face. "I'm sorry. It's not that you fought him. It's just. God, look at you. You got yourself hurt. I'm glad you beat him, though. Seeing you stand up for me like that was kind of hot."

"So, what? Do I get like, a reward?"

"No, ew. I do need to clean you up, though. I'm not sleeping next to you when you look like that."

"Okay," Tristan said, sitting down at the dining table as Aria got a wet cloth. She pressed it to his cheek as he winced.

"Don't complain. It's your own fault."

"I mean, it's kind of your fathers fault, but whatever."

Once she cleaned his face and his hands, she leaned in to kiss him. "Thank you, Tris."

"You're welcome. I promised to protect you and I did."

The two hugged and stayed in the same position until they fell asleep on the couch. Tristan woke up after about an hour, carrying Aria to the bedroom and gently laying her on the bed, then climbing in next to her.

Neither bothered to change their clothes, they were too exhausted. Instead, they fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms, not moving the entire night.

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