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It had bee a week since Aria got back home from filming. She'd been distant with everyone, but no one could understand why.

Her eating had gone back to normal, and she was receiving way less hate than before online. No one could think of anything that may be making her act this way.

the best cast📞

hey guys
can we go to the beach plz
like rn








busy, sorry
have fun tho!

Aria put her phone down on the dresser, running her fingers through her hair. She was stressed. She hadn't posted on any socials for a week, and people were beginning to realise something was wrong.

Her mom had said something at dinner, but Aria just got up and left. Her friends had continuously asked her if she was okay, but she just said yes every time.

She wanted to tell someone, but she didn't know how to say it. Now, she sat in her bedroom, in her once again empty house. Her mom was going out a lot more, recently. Aria figured she was going through one of her phases, where she'd find an activity like yoga or zumba and do it for about a month before getting bored.

She heard a knock on her front door, making her way over and opening it. Tristan stood in front of her. "Aren't you supposed to be at the beach?" She asked.

Tristan stepped into the house. "Aren't you supposed to be busy?"

"I am busy."

"Doing what?"

Aria thought of an excuse. "Cleaning."

"I don't see any cleaning supplies. You're wearing jeans. No one cleans in jeans. What's the matter with you, Aria?"

"Jesus, you could approach me a little nicer."

"I tried! You've been acting weird for a week. All of us have approached you nicely, and you havent said anything, now you're totally blowing us off. What's going on?"

"Tris, it's nothing, I-"

"Is that why your eye makeup always seems to be smudged when you come back from the bathroom? Why you always seem nervous when you check your phone? Why you've barely been talking to anyone all fucking week? Jesus Christ. We've been through this a million times. We're here for you, you don't need to distance yourself. You can talk to us."

"Can I? Because right now you're not acting like someone I'd open up to about my problems."

"Oh, really? Now that I'm being protective you don't wanna talk to me?"

"You're not being protective, Tristan, you're being mean. You can't just walk into my house raising your voice at me!"

"What else am I meant to do when you're not talking to anyone?"

"The first thing would be to control your emotions."

"They are controlled!" Tristan raised his even louder, making Aria jump. He looked at her angrily for a second, before realising that she wasn't mad, she was scared. Scared of him. "Holy shit. Ari, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's not you I'm scared of, Tris. It's the yelling. It takes me back, I guess. To when my dad was here. I guess my dad's kind of a sensitive subject right now."

"What do you mean 'sensitive subject'?"

Aria sat down on the couch and Tristan sat next to her, his hand on her leg. She handed him her phone, it was already open and in a text conversation.

private messages

Hi Aria. It's me, dad. I saw the news
about your show. I'm so proud! I'm
so sorry for what I did to you, I think
that we should make things right. Will
you meet me for coffee?
Aria. It's been days and I haven't had a
reply. I know this is the right number and
I know you've seen the message. Answer
me right now.
Aria Grace Rose, answer your father.
You're such an ungrateful fucking brat, all
i wanted to do was be a father to you again.
I know about that boy, too. Don't think that
I support you dating someone before you
turn 21. You look like a whore.

"What the fuck!" Tristan yelled, handing Aria's phone back to her. "Oh my God, Ari. I'm sorry, I didn't know. But what did he mean? What did he do to you?"

"He was an alcoholic. Or is. I don't know. But he used to come home drunk a lot. My mom worked nights, so he'd bring these women home. They were either really hot twenty year olds or old ass crack heads. Whenever I told mom, or even threatened to tell her, he'd hit me. He hit me with a glass bottle, one time. There's a scar on my chest. I thought I'd get better when he left. You know, less depressed, but it just got worse. I'd go to every house party I could find and drink my brains out. I'm surprised I'm not an alcoholic, to be honest."

Tristan pulled Aria in for a hug. "I won't let him get anywhere near you, okay? He's gone now. Block his number." Aria did as she was told, figuring it would be for the best. "That man is not your father."

"I'm just worried he's gonna come here."

"If he does, then I'll protect you."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 • Tristan PravongМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя