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"We gotta go get food," Tristan said, "There's this dessert place, like, ten minutes away."

"Tristan, it's dark out," Brady said.

"So what? It'd be cool."

Everyone agreed with Tristan. It would be cool, plus they were all starving. They were at Mason's house, as per usual, and his fridge was weirdly empty.

Tristan said it was a ten minute walk, but it took fifteen with Miguel and Tatum dragging behind. "You guys are so slow," Mason said.

"You're just fast," Tatum rolled her eyes.

"Tristan, where are you taking us?" Aria asked.

"I told you," Tristan said, "This dessert place."

Aria rolled her eyes. "This is how people get kidnapped."

"Don't be morbid." Tristan and Aria were ahead of everyone else. "We should stay at my place," Tristan suggested, "Just us two, I mean."

"Would everyone be okay with that?" Aria asked.

"I don't see why they wouldn't be."

Finally, they made it to the dessert place. They ordered food and took a table. It was surprisingly still open, but they were the only ones there.

Tristan sat down next to Aria. She looked outside at the darkness. "God, its getting even darker," she whispered, she was clearly worried about walking home. Tristan could tell as he noticed her leg bouncing up and down.

"It's fine, you're walking with me, remember? I'm buff as fuck," Tristan joked, lightening the mood a bit by making Tatum laugh.

After they ate their food, they stayed and chatted for a but, until they left right before closing time. "Me and Aria are gonna head to my place, but well see you guys soon," Tristan said, waving everyone off. Everyone said goodbye to the pair and they went separate ways.

On the walk home, Tristan noticed Aria getting more and more uncomfortable. Every time they walked past someone, she seemed yo tense up, bracing herself in case something bad happened.

Tristan grabbed hold of her hand. "We're almost there," he said. Under different circumstances, Aria would have pulled away and called him some sort of name. But this time, she squeezed into his hand, feeling a little safer than they did before.

"Shit," Aria said when they walked through the door of Tristan's house. "I left my pyjamas at Masons."

"You can wear some of mine," Tristan offered, "My pants would fit you if you rolled them a few times."

"Thank you," Aria said, walking away to Tristan's room.

Tristan followed her, getting out some pyjamas for her. Aria went into the bathroom to change, and Tristan pulled out his phone.

private messages

i think i'm gonna tell her

tell who what

tell aria i like her???

this is brady lol
i stoles tatum's phone
but go for it

why are you always somehow
involved in everyone's romantic
first you catch tay and miguel
making out and now this

i'm secret cupid

Tristan rolled his eyes at his phone as Aria walked back in. "Who are you texting?" She asked.

"Tay, but it's actually Brady," Tristan answered.

"What? Let me see," Aria said, attempting to oook at Tristan's phone.

He quickly shut his phone and put it down next to him. "Let's watch a film," he said sheepishly.

Aria furrowed her brows. "What's going on?" She asked.

Shit. Tristan wanted to wait to tell her, but he'd been put on the spot. He thought for a moment about what he was gonna say. "I don't know how to tell you," he said.

"Did you fuck up again?"

"Not really, I don't think. This girl. The girl I like. My feelings have grown so strong, it's becoming really overwhelming for me."

"Then tell her how you feel."

"That's what I'm doing right now."


"I don't know if you like me back or not. If you don't, it's fine. But I like you, Ari. Like, really like you. You're funny, and you're pretty. Honestly, you're only flaw is your laser tag skills, and even those aren't too bad. I'm sorry if this makes things awkward, I just-"

"I like you, too," Aria said.

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, really. You're so nice to me, and considerate. Not to mention you have great hair," Aria laughed.

"Would it be rushing into things if I kissed you now?"

"You were asking me to marry you a few weeks ago. You're the king of running into things."

Tristan leaned in to kiss Aria. Before he could, however, his phone chimed. "That's so embarrassing," he complained, looking down to see who messaged him.

private messages


shut up we're about to make out

Tristan threw his phone across the room, leaning back into Aria. Their lips met and moved in sync. His hands made his way to her hair, and hers rested on his jawline. They kept going until they had to come up for air.

Tristan looked into Aria's eyes. "I've been waiting to do that for so long," he said, then he leaned back in.

author speaks
i accidnetally wrote tay instead of aria in tristans confession and posted it😭😭 i've changed it now but apologies to anyone who read it beforehand and got confused lol

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