Chapter 15

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Chloe woke up slowly, taking in the view of her surrounding.

"What the fuck is this?", she asked rhetorically, realizing that she was in some sort of children's room, decorated in a lot of clown stuff. It was creepy and also really big.

She was on a big bed that was at the wall,  covered in clown toys and pillows.

She gasped and moved a little backwards into the corner as she heard someone coming.

The door made a creek sound as it opened,
revealing Chris who casually walked into the room, surprised that Chloe was awake.

"Oh, wow, our princess has finally awoken!", he said while walking towards the bed.

"How old is this guy? Who still says awoken?", Chloe thought to herself while raising one eyebrow in confusion before finally realizing the situation she was in.

"What do you want with me?", she yelled moving more into the corner, but there wasn't anywhere to run.

"What's with you LA girls and being feisty? Can't you guys be calm for once? I even thought you would be more gently with your words, seeing that you're black and all".

Chloe laughed really hard before replying, "you have clearly never met a Nigerian girl before for you to think that".

"What is so special about Nigerian girls?"

"We don't take nonsense from anybody. You can't just talk to us anyhow or hold us against our will and expect us to remain calm".

"I honestly don't care though cos no matter how feisty you are, you are not leaving here until I say so. You can try", Chris said before turning around to leave.

"Is that all you came to say? You haven't told me what I'm here for", Chloe said, reminding him.

Chris stopped and replied without turning back, "You would know, soon enough", he said and continued going.

He stopped right in front of the door, before opening it, "dinner will be served shortly", he said and left.

Maddie was imagining a lot of things as she looked out the car window with the wind in her hair.

"What's in your mind pumpkin?", Justin asked without breaking his focus on the road.

"I'm just kind of nervous, you know. My whole life, I haven't really had to fight for anything, I was always handed everything I ever needed and wanted. I was really smart in school, beautiful, popular and rushed by all the guys, this is a really big change for me. I would have never imagined that this would ever happen"

"I get it, you grew up in a totally different and really comfortable environment and it seems like everything would change now. Well you aren't completely wrong but I promise you, once Chris is back behind bars, everything would go back to normal"

"I hope, but I'm still really nervous about fighting him. It would have been easier if my power was for fighting",

"Don't say that, you defeated us using your powers, it's amazing the way it is. And don't forget that Chris killed his father without having a combat power",

"I guess you're right", Maddie said smiling.

"Of course I am", Justin said, smiling back.

They all got back safely. Maddie and Maya had trained for so long, so Justin and Laura decided to give them the weekend off and Maddie could go back home with her dad.

"Mummy!", Maddie screamed as she ran to her mom who was standing in front of the door.

"Maddie! I've missed you so much", Karen said as she held Maddie in a warm embrace.

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