Chapter 8

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It was annoying and frustrating that Maddie would be alone for graduation but she wasn't interested in talking to either Janet or iris.

She understood them but a little support wouldn't hurt, they just ghosted her.

She was more annoyed with iris because it just felt like she was following Janet and didn't have a say of her own.

The night that Maddie went to the haunted place, she got in trouble again.

Unknown to Maddie, her mom had a spare key to her room made right after the kidnapping incident.

She had heard some noise from the back door which woke her up. She quickly went to maddie's room to check on her and found her bed empty again.

She called Janet first but Janet was fast asleep so she called iris, Iris knew what was coming and ignored the call but she didn't stop calling.

"Hello Mrs Rivers",

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you by this late hour, but do you by any chance know where Maddie might have gone",

"N-no ma'am", iris had always been bad at lying but somehow Mrs. Rivers bought it.

"Okay dear, have a good night", she said and ended the call.

Maddie came back to the house, everywhere was dark, no lights on, the way she left it.

She slowly opened the back door and entered the house, closing it behind her and tip toed to the stairs.

"Where have you been?", her mom asked.
Maddie jumped in fear, surprised that her mom was awake.

"I was at iris' house, we had a study session"

"Really? okay, what did you guys study on?"

"We did biology"

"Is that right?"

"Yes mommy"

"So why are you coming back now?"

"I lost track of time, I'm sorry".

"Okay, but before you go to bed, I called Iris when I couldn't find you in your room and she told me that she didn't know where you were, which technically means that you weren't in her house, I knew she was lying but I got enough confirmation that you weren't there, oh and don't even think of changing your words to Janet because I called Janet's mom and she told me that you weren't there either".

"Mom, I..."

"Nope, I'm not hearing it, I don't even care where you were because obviously, you haven't learned your lesson from the last time you sneaked out, so I'm just gonna say it. I'm seizing your phone and car keys..."

"I didn't even use the car",

"Will you shut up!", Karen exclaimed in anger.

"You're complaining about your car keys when you never even use them, you have the privilege to drive yourself to school but you always have to be driven by someone, which will also change. From tomorrow, you will be walking to school and back"

"MOM! I can't, please"

"DON'T! I'm fed up with you disobeying me, so maybe this would bring you back to your senses", Karen said and left immediately.

"Hey", Dylan said as he walked up to Maddie who was packing up her locker.

"Hey", she replied after turning to see who it was.

"I'm sorry for what I said the other night, I know that you didn't force me, I don't even know why I said that"

"You don't have to apologize, I was rude, I always have been so I don't blame you. I have to go",she said, closing her locker.

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