Chapter 16

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"I have to tell my parents first though, so they'll know where I'm going", Dylan said.

"Oh, yeah, right. Sure, go ahead, we'll be waiting out here", Maya replied.

Dylan left and come back in the space of fifteen minutes.

He came out with his car keys so he drove them to Maya's house.

"I can't believe he said all that and he actually did do something while we were away", Laura said.

"Yeah, and he might actually kill her if we don't do anything by tomorrow night", Maddie pointed out.

"And to think that he took someone that knows nothing about any of this", Maya said with a sad expression.

"I can't even imagine what she must be going through, what she must be thinking", Laura added.

"I do have a clue of what she might be feeling or thinking, I've been in her shoes. She would be really confused and scared but trying so hard to hide it so she wouldn't look vulnerable", Maddie explained while thinking about her past experience

"That sounds quite like her. Have you met her before?", Dylan asked

"Yes actually, met her at one of your birthday parties, we were kind of alike so we got along quite well", Maddie stated.

"Didn't know you attended any of my parties", Dylan said curiously.

"I didn't do it by choice. Janet and Iris had a think for you so I was forced to go", Maddie explained.

"Oh", Dylan said, sounding disappointed

"But they were fun, the parties", Maddie added with a smile.

"Oh", Dylan repeated but with a smile this time.

"That's enough, please, can we now discuss what we're going to do, we have less than twenty four hours to think of a decent plan, before we can start thinking of how we'll execute the plan", Maya said impatiently.

"Right, yes. I'm going to call Justin right now and put him up to speed on what is happening, once he gets here, we brainstorm on a plan".

About twenty minutes later, Justin arrived at Laura's house and without further delay, they started drawing up a plan for Chris.

It took a lot of time of brainstorming and arguing but they finally got their perfect plan, devoid of all possible mishaps.

It was already really late so Justin, Maddie and Dylan left to go home to rest and get themselves ready for the next day.

They all woke up feeling very anxious. This was Maddie and Maya's very first fight as aitus so they were both really scared that something could go wrong and someone could really get hurt, or worse, die.

They spent the whole day setting up everything for that night, so by exactly 9pm, everybody was assembled back at Laura's house to go over the plan one more time.

They were to leave the house by exactly 10pm in a van containing all of them.

Laura and Justin were to be tied up and temporarily unconcious, this would be done by Justin as his power is control of all parts of the human body, both internally and externally but this particular skill lasts for not more than 10 minutes so he is to perform it while they are in the van, right before they get to the specified location where Chris had told Maddie and Maya to meet him. This act is to make it look believable that they were knocked out by Maddie and Maya.

The two girls were to bring them out of the van and drag them to where Chris' men would lead them, where the exchange for Chloe would happen.

Once they had gotten Chloe, they were to take her back to the van where Dylan would be waiting.

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