Chapter 3

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The week went by quite fast and it was already Saturday night.

The girls already planned Maddie's escape and hoped it would work.

The prom was to start by 9:00pm, it was already 8:30, Maddie was done taking her bath at the time, she informed her mom earlier that she wasn't going to take dinner. Her parents ate alone and went to bed.

Maddie was dressed completely on her simple but unique red short gown. She sat on her bed waiting for her friends to arrive.

At exactly 9:10, her phone rang, she looked down on the screen, it was Nick, so she picked up immediately.

"We are outside", he said shortly and cut the call.

Maddie quietly opened the door, removing her heels, she walked down the stairs and to the back door slowly, trying not to make a sound.

As she opened the door, she put her heels back on and ran to the car.

Maddie was very happy at the moment but later started thinking about the different possibilities of what would happen if her parents found out.

As they parked at the drive way, they could see the lights booming from the gym like that of a club.

They all walked in together but many eyes were fixed on Maddie and Nick, they were outstanding on their red outfits.

Few hours into the party, it was obvious that Maddie was uncomfortable, Nick tried to cheer her up by persuading her to dance.

After a short while, someone came up to the stage holding the microphone.

"Heeeyoooo!", shouted the guy trying to get a hold of the attention of the crowd.

"Whooooooooo!", everyone screamed in excitement.

" I know this is the moment you've all been waiting for".

The lights turned off immediately, people continued to scream louder thinking it was all part of the show.

The lights were turned back on but this time it was a different guy on the stage, this one was wearing a mask covering only the upper part of his face and was dressed in all black. The other guy was still on the stage though but this time he was kneeling, all tied up with a gun pointed to his head.

The loud screams changed to that of fear as people ran around trying to escape but all the doors were guarded by different men that looked like the one on the stage.

"I know you guys were waiting for your king and queen but I just want your attention for a little while so let the naming of your royals be kept in suspense for now", the guy on stage said as he looked round,

"Awwww, you guys look really scared, that's adorable and oddly satisfying", he said smiling.

He gestured to his men to gather everyone around to sit down.

"I would have really liked to stay longer but duty calls, so I'll just take what I came for and be on my way so that you guys can continue your party. I was enjoying it by the way".

Maddie was a little scared so she just sat down quietly.

The lights went off again, Maddie could feel a presence behind her, suddenly she was hit on the head with a gun and lost consciousness.

The lights were turned back on and all the guys dressed in black were gone including the three girls.

"M-Maddie...Janet...Iris", Nick called out with so much fear in his voice, "where are you?", he was so scared that he could barely move around.

Shortly after what happened, police cars were surrounding the premises, the place was filled with police officers, investigators and journalists.

The news of what happened had reached the ears of parents, they came to pick up their kids. Nick went home right after his parents arrived but he didn't tell anybody about the missing girls.

Janet and Iris' parents arrived but couldn't find their children anywhere, they also found out from one of the students that Maddie was with them during the party.

At Maddie's house,
there was a knock on the door, Nora opened up to see two cops standing in front of her.

"How may I help you officers?", Nora asked with confusion written all over her face.

"Please, can we speak to the owners of the house", one of the cops requested.

Nora went in and shortly came back with Mr. and Mrs. Rivers but left immediately.

"We are very sorry to inform you about this but an incident occurred at the children's prom".

"Okay?", Karen said with one eyebrow up.

"Your daughter was kidnapped", the cop said plainly.

"What!!", Karen and Justin exclaimed in unison.

Mr. Rivers, Justin, was a tall, cool and reserved man in his late forties, he was blonde and had the body of an athlete.

"No no no no no, that's not even possible, she's grounded, she is supposed to be in her room as we speak".

"Calm down Karen, why don't you go up to her room and check", Justin told Karen as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

She ran up the stairs as fast as she could, she stopped right in front of the door to Maddie's bedroom, she opened the door slowly and walked in.

The room was dark,
"Maddie, Maddie, are you here", she called out but there was no response, she turned on the light and was shocked to see that maddie wasn't in bed. A tear dropped from her left eye, she backed up slowly and ran back down the stairs.

"She snuck out Justin! She snuck out! It's true", she said as she ran down the stairs straight into her husband's arms with her eyes filled with tears.

"It's okay honey, we will find them, we must and the person responsible for this shall not go unpunished", Justin said with obvious anger in his tone.

"We will inform you of anything concerning the search and investigation", the police officer continued, "I'm very sorry", he paused, "have a good night", he finally said and left.

Later that night in their room
Justin picked up his phone to call someone meanwhile Karen couldn't stop panicking, she was scared and furious at the same time. Justin tried to calm her down but failed.

"Hello Jerry, I need your help", Justin said to the person on the phone.

"Yeah, what's up?", a voice said from the other end of the line.

"My daughter had been kidnapped, I do trust the police but I believe you would do a more thorough and faster job than them, I trust you, I will pay you any amount you want, just name it", Justin said desperately.

"My dear friend, don't worry about the money, let's focus on bringing your daughter home first"

"Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, good night", Jerry said and ended the call.

Sneak peak

"You are very useless! I said to grab only the girl, I didn't say to bring me the three of them", "urrrhhhgggg, I can never rely on you to do anything right. Get out of my sight!".

"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir".

"I said get lost!".

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