"We only have that on Wednesdays. Can I get you something else?" I ask with a smile.

"Why don't you go back there and make me banana bread like I asked? I can wait," she says.

"Ma'am our bananas come on Wednesday which is why we bake them on that day. I cannot make you any today since we don't have any bananas," I explain.

"Let me talk to your manager," she says. "I have a tea party where I want to serve the banana bread," she says.

"Well you can't so pick something else or leave," Daniela cuts in.

"You two are so rude! Where is the manager?" She demands.

"I am the owner and I am asking you to leave," Daniela says.

"You just lost yourself a customer," she says as she slams her way out of the shop.

"Fifty bucks says she's back here on Wednesday for the bread," I say.

"You're on," she says.

30 minutes later when the line finally started to die down the woman returned with three bundles of bananas.

"Please, she begs. "My mother-in-law is a monster. I just need that banana bread to get her to finally shut her up about my baking. I'm begging you." She says.

Daniela grabs the bananas and takes a bite out of one. "You see the problem is that these bananas are not as sweet as the ones I have delivered. That means I'd have to change my recipe and adjust for that. However, a crappy mother-in-law is something I can relate to so I will make it for you. This one time free of charge because it won't be my recipe. If you want me to add laxatives I will," she says with a wink.

"No laxatives. Thank you so much. As much as I would love to add laxatives, I have other people coming," she says with a laugh. "You don't know how much this means to me."

"It's my pleasure," Daniela says, before turning to me. "And you owe me fifty bucks."

She went to the back where the oven was kept and got to work. I was left alone with the irate woman who was now placated.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't realize I was so stressed out," she says with a weak smile. "It's been five years and this woman is still tearing me down every time she visits."

"I don't envy you. I hope when I meet my mate, his mother is nice," I say.

"I am not my husband's mate. Our mates have passed away. I was lucky to meet him. I wish he didn't come with her. She never does anything in front of him so he doesn't understand."

"Maybe you should record her," I say, with a shrug. "That way you can show him."

"That's a good idea. I just might try that," she says.

We chatted some more until Daniela came out with six loaves of banana bread. The woman thanked us and went on her way.

"So. What did you come here to talk about," Daniela asks.

"I was going to ask you if I could borrow some jewelry for my hot date tonight," I say with a small smile.

"No! Did Tomas finally ask you out?" She asks, squeezing my arms.

"He did," I say, with a giggle as she shrieks and we jump up and down.

"I'm so happy for you. Of course you can borrow some jewelry. I will call Juan and have him show you to my jewelry boxes," she says. "What are you going to wear?"

"I have this pink maxi dress that has a deep v. I thought I would wear that. I definitely need a necklace and maybe some earrings with that," I say trying to visualize how it would look.

"I can think of a few pieces that will work with that,'' she says, grinning. "Are you nervous for your first kiss?"

"Actually, he kissed me in his office," I say.

"He did not," she says, swatting me.

"He did too," I say, moving out of her reach. "It wasn't my first kiss though. That went to Jason Gilbert in junior high," I say.

"Lucky boy, she says, with a wink. "As happy as I am for you, I don't need details about my brother. Just keep that in mind."

"I better get going. There's only two hours left and I still have to pick up the jewelry," I say, giving her a hug.

"Good luck darling," she says, as I leave the shop.

I went to her house and picked a pair of gold feather earrings and a matching necklace. I went home and took a shower before donning my dress. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and wore minimal makeup.

He rang my bell at five fifty nine.

A/N photo is of Killian.

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