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"She thinks we are dating, and she's going to make sure we don't 'do anything'" he used his fingers to make quotation marks when he said that, I nodded, understanding what he was saying, "how come she says that?" I asked whilst I gathered my things from my room, I told Jungkook to sit on my bed whilst he waited, there was a creaky groan from the bed as he shuffled on it uncomfortably. "She just always has since she had me as a teenager, she wants me to live a better life than she did."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know she did that" I was looking into Jungkook's glistening eyes to show that I was listening, but soon turned back to place my laptop in my bag along with a bunch of clothes.

I locked the door, looking up at my bedroom window as I took a step back from my house, "they've left for a month, maybe more" I told him quietly, not taking my eyes off of the window, which I could see one of the posters on my wall through, "your parents?" He asked, a hint of surprise in his voice, "yeah, they said I'm grounded too..." saying it out loud made me laugh as we walked away. "don't worry I'll make sure to tell my mum you're grounded, then she'll make sure you stay in your room."

I pushed him lightly as he laughed, I was relieved he was joking, "what about you?" I asked, "what about me?" he sighed, swinging his arms as he walked, "well aren't you grounded, or punished in some way?"

"I told my mum that I was standing up for you from your ex, and he started it so she says she'll let me off so long as I don't get caught fighting again." I nodded, "and when you say get caught, you aren't actually-" I looked up at him, a hint of a smirk was on his face and I rolled my eyes.

I awkwardly climbed into his mum's car whilst thanking her excessively, Jungkook sat in the back with me (and opened the door for me too). It was silent other than the sound of the car and some faint 80s music playing, I sighed quietly and looked out the window, after checking my phone for any texts or calls.

We got to the house and all the memories of the first time I was here crashed into me, I felt heat rise to my cheeks, so I looked down at the ground to hide it, "I'll show you to your room Y/N" Jungkook said as he pulled at my arm, carrying my bag over his shoulder, "oh I can carry-" he put his hand over my mouth, muffling the rest of my words, "you're the guest, as my mum would say."

For the rest of the afternoon I was settling into my room, it was very plain, obviously a guest room, and it was right next to Jungkook's, but his mum made sure to hint to me very obviously that we weren't to go into each other's rooms, "but what if we are just hanging out" Jungkook had argued, to which his mum agreed we could so long as the door was open all the way.

His mum had ordered us a pizza for dinner, I ate a little whilst also being conscious that she was now paying for me to eat as well, and I didn't want her to spend too much on me. A little while into eating the doorbell rang, and Deiji ran up to me, I let her give me a hug as she shouted, "Kookie-ah! Your girlfriend is back!" I smiled sheepishly as Mrs Jeon raised an eyebrow at Jungkook. "Where have you been Deiji? school?" I asked her, looking down into her glistening brown eyes, "No, I stay at Uncles after school, and he brings me home when Umma is back from work!" She smiled brightly at me as I nodded, "what's your uncle like?" she sat down beside me to eat, "he's funny, and he always helps me with my homework, even when it's impossible!" I laughed, watching her and Jungkook have a silent moment of communication by pulling faces at each other, I wish I had a sibling. I checked my phone again, but still had no calls or texts from my parents, so i texted them both just in case.

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