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"Do you happen to have my clothes?" I asked Jungkook, hoping if I got them I could leave sooner, after what he said I felt more like an object to him, rather than someone he actually liked, and it really put things into perspective. "I put them in the wash, they'll probably take all day to dry, that's okay right?" It's like he could tell something was up as he stepped toward me, "uh yeah sure, I'll probably get some more sleep then if that's okay" I avoided his gaze and climbed sheepishly onto his bed, maybe I could sleep the day away, he paused for a minute, and then took a step toward the door, "sure okay, I'll be back in a second-" he walked out, his eyes never leaving me.

I sighed and placed my hands over my face, turning onto my side to be more comfortable, what was I doing? I heard the door open so I pretended to be asleep, keeping my breathing even and my eyes lightly closed. I heard faint shuffling coming nearer to me so I opened my eyes, spotting a young girl with  long dark hair standing beside me, I moved away in shock, "who are you?" she asked, just as Jungkook entered the room. I looked at him, but he was staring at the girl, as if he wasn't sure what to do, he walked towards her and grabbed her hand.

"is she your girlfriend Kookie? Umma says only your girlfriend can be in your room." She was soft spoken, smiling politely at me, "yes this is my girlfriend Deiji, let's let her sleep now." He practically dragged her out of the room, she waved as she left, and I waved back even though I think I was in shock. I was what? I couldn't help but smile though as the thought of being his girlfriend entered my mind.

When Jungkook came back in he shut the door and immediately rushed over to sit beside me on the bed I looked down at his hands as he spoke, "I'm so sorry Y/N, there was no way for me to explain the situation so saying you were my girlfriend would keep her happy... if that's not okay I can just say we broke up or something?..."
"Nono it's fine, let's not taint her view of the world, she's young and-" I looked up and at his face for the first time in a while, "-who is she?"

"Deiji is my little sister, I must've forgotten to mention...." He played with the button on his shirt, of course he hadn't mentioned because all you both did was fuck, that's all that was supposed to happen. "Yeah well I'm not here to learn about the family am I" I laughed nervously, but Jungkook didn't respond.

"Sorry I didn't mean-" I reached out for his hand but he stood up off the bed, "you know I can just drop your clothes off home, maybe you should go." He was expressionless, this whole situation gave me deja-vu from my last interaction with Jake, my legs felt numb as I exited his room without another word. I walked downstairs with my head held high and left, as soon as I closed the door behind me tears flowed from my face.

I shoved my hands in my pockets that weren't actually mine and walked towards my house, even though it was the middle of the day I could just say the school had a half day or something. Luckily my parents were out somewhere for who knows how long so I took some popcorn kernels out of the cupboard and put them into the microwave, checking my phone as they popped.

(7:30am)Tae: oh alright I'll let you know about the work we do today
(8:00am)Tae: you're okay though right?
(11:00am)Tae: Y/N if you don't respond right now I'm leaving school

Luckily it had been only a few minutes since his last message,

Y/N: I'm fine, sorry I was asleep, don't worry about me, hope you're all good!

I laughed at the lie in my last message and took my popcorn, switching on the TV and watching whatever movie was on. At some point I fell asleep, dreaming of Jungkook, great.

The VirginDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora