fuck you melli

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Rei did not like Melli.

Granted, it was only their first meeting, but still. Melli was annoying, talked to much, and had no respect.

Unfortunately there wasn't a way he could get Melli to shut up without being rude. Instead, he just had to wait and keep anything he really wanted to say in his head.

But sometimes he couldn't keep them all in his head. That took too much energy, energy that he didn't have.

"If only Kyogre could drown you and make you shut up." Rei said under his breath. He thought no one heard.

Apparently Adaman did, because he almost immediately started laughing.

"Are you laughing at me?!" Melli asked, offended.

Rei smiled. This was going great already.

"No no, I'm not laughing at you."

"Then what are you laughing at?"

Rei felt it would be good to pop in then. "Probably me wishing Kyogre to drown you to shut you up."

Melli looked even more offended when Rei said that.

"Who is Kyogre and why would you want them to drown me!?"

"Guardian of the Sea in Hoenn. Can raise sea level, cause horrible flooding rains and hurricanes, a terrifying beast of the sea and natural enemy of Groudon." Rei recited his own short pokédex entry for Kyogre.

Melli glared at Rei and Rei gave him a smug look in return.

Adaman had calmed down and was now talking to Kamado, waiting for Rei and Melli to finish up.

"Back to what is important..."



yo :]
in this one, the sky faller comes from Hoenn because alpha sapphire is my favorite game. they also have all their memories, and are a bit nicer to the Diamond Clan because Dialga is my fav out of the trio

yknow just normal self indulgent stuff

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