In the meantime, he will go hunting a little for the fest that is coming up soon. It never hurts to take precautions and hunting helps Jungkook clear his head.

So he stands up, stretches a little and shifts into his grey wolf. His paws touch the ground and he feels the grass under his paws as he sprints away, the wind whipping his face.

Fast forward, Jungkook has been hunting for a few minutes-so far unsuccessfully. No sign, neither of a rabbit nor of a larger animal. His nose doesn't picks up a scent until he runs deeper into the forest towards the river. It's a vague scent of a hare, but it's still lingering in the air. If he is lucky, the hare has not gone far.

His senses sharpen as he continues to pick up the scent and a growl rumbles in his chest as his steps quicken. Jungkook is in hunting mode and he doesn't stop until he finds prey.

A little later when he thinks he has the prey in a few minutes, another familiar smell mixes with that of the prey and Jungkook's eyes widen. He's not going to let this person take his prey away, certainly not from-.

"Don't you think today is a bit boring? I've been collecting herbs all the time, that's all I've been doing," Jimin whines as he puts more herbs into a basket that he picked a little further away from a rabbit.

Wait a minute- is Jimin talking to a rabbit?

"I envy you a little bit. You can just hop around freely and you don't have to listen to anyone's stupid co-"

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Rabbits are on our menu but instead of hunting it, you talk to it." Jungkook has his arms crossed over his chest and leans against the tree next to him. Discontent lingers in his eyes as he stares with disapproval and something else at Jimin. The latter shrieks and faces him with utter shock in his facial expression, hand gripping the garment over his heart, having thought he was alone.

Now that he faces the alpha, Jimin can smell the pleasant-not pleasant scent of sandalwood, hinting with a tinge of sour honeysuckle that he's not pleased with what he's seeing at all. That is until he realises the other is naked.

Jimin's eyes widen as he tries to keep looking at Jungkook's face. Somehow it is difficult to do so. His heart races in his chest and he has to swallow heavily, staring with a stink eye into Jungkook's eyes.

"Not everything needs to be hunted when there are enough other things around us to hunt and eat, besides it's not any of your business what I'm doing or not with the rabbit."

"Smart mouth," Jungkook mutters and takes a step closer. "You always have an answer ready, don't you?"

"If it's you, yes it seems so." Jimin shrugs and gives him an indifferent look before his face morphs into something similar to annoyance, noticing the alpha taking another step closer. "What are you doing here?"

The question seems to overwhelm Jungkook for a moment until he remembers why he is there. "I was looking for prey and lo and behold. You are busy with my potential prey. With talking. Seems like something that hasn't changed until today."

"Don't act like you know me anymore," Jimin hisses and begins to get mad at the other. Protectively, he steps forward in front of the rabbit to show Jungkook that he can't harm it. He is unsure if it's the same rabbit that led him to the wounded wolf or not, but when he found the rabbit earlier, it didn't run away. So Jimin began talking to it-ranting about things. Miraculously it didn't really move much from its spot while Jimin talked and collected herbs. "Also why the fuck are you naked? Can you wear your garments?"

"I shifted and it just so happened that I don't have them with me." The alpha shrugs and is about to ask if he's never seen someone naked before but can hold back once he realises how inappropriate it can sound. Jimin would then again remind him of Seoyeon. "You shouldn't look."

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