I have never felt so weak and pathetic like right now. I had let her go so easily because there was no point in forcing her to stay with me.

Alexei came to sit down next to me and at that moment I was a little boy again. I was a little boy who needed his mother and couldn't do shit. The news continued, but it was going out through one ear and out the other.

"I'm coming back," I grumbled.

I got up and left the suite. The way Mikhail and Henrik looked at me said they wanted to ask me if I was okay. I went to the elevator and it was like my body was guiding itself. I went to her room and I locked the door behind me.

I turned on the lights and on the counter were her phone and other items she would take everywhere. I picked her phone up and her Face Id had been removed. I opened her phone and it was already opened on something.

It was a recording and I pressed the play button. I went and sat down to listen to the whole thing. My feelings had suddenly turned back on because tears filled my eyes. I haven't cried in so long that it felt unusual for me.

I couldn't stop the tears from coming out and I couldn't be bothered to keep them down. She told me the real reason why we needed our break and what really happened.

The FBI had good evidence on her for thirty years and more, what else did she do? She was going to give them all the intel they needed to get Jorge to let her go.

She was going to have to go on the stand. That would have been dangerous for her, so she had to make another deal with them. However, she had stopped checking in with them, because I had come into her life. It was either now or never. She had no other choice and chose now.

There was only one request from her though. If she didn't make it, make sure Azura would be fine without her. They will put her in Wit Sec, but I can gather my own information and figure out where they will put her.

That's all she asked of me to make sure that her daughter would be fine without her. Through my tears and the pain in my heart, I smiled a little. She was ordering me around without even knowing it.

She knew for a fact that I would do exactly as asked of her. I have to find where they're gonna place her before it becomes too difficult. It's slightly hard finding people in the witness protection, because of the names changing and everything.

I would have to have Alexei start dealing with it right now is not a good time. If only we had more time together l'vista. I had gone through our phone and I realized she had plenty of photos and videos of us.

I made sure to get Alexei and Andrei involved in this before I decided to go silent on everyone. We also needed to leave the country in a few days, because I was sure we were on the FBI's list right now.

They knew I was in the country and they have been trying to catch me for some time now. I have been risking a lot by being in the US for so long just because of her. That reminds me of her brother Hakeem.

I was going to have to have them make sure he was alright as well. Let's hope he's alive to even begin with.

I don't think I would be able to get over a heartbreak like this. I had the possibility of knowing she could come back. Now I know she never will.

I can only do the last thing she asked me to do and I was going to do it either way. I should hate Imani right now, but I wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye to Azura so quickly.

She was a child and she was innocent in all of this. I also like her, she resembles Imani and has a good sense of humor. I guess I have an adopted child now, which I need to find first.


Author Note

That's a wrap y'all again. This was my second rewrite and I honestly like this version a little bit better. It could use some more work, but you get the concept.

I hope you loved all the Trials and Tribulations that Imani/Aliyah and Kaz went through. Their toxicity was through the roof on a serious note though.

If you have any questions go ahead and ask away.

Are there any theories or things you might want to see in Only Hers?

If their anything you wished happened in Only His what would be?

Only Hers is published and this the coverrrr!! N I did thaaa tffff . Hope y'all enjoy the second book!

 Hope y'all enjoy the second book!

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