Chapter Seven

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That night, I softly creep downstairs. I'm being careful because every step brings a clink from my school bag. I don't want my parents to wake up.

I make my way to the front door and quietly open it.

But guess who's right on the other side scaring me half to death with his goofy face?

Hank. And he's on his bicycle.

He shrugs. 'What? You told me to meet you here?'

'You could've waited on the street or something. Not right at the door,' I answer. 'You almost gave me a heart attack.'

'What's in the bag?'

'I raided our parents' shop.'

Hank knits his brows. 'What does that mean?'

'Just wait and see, my friend. Just wait and see.' There's an evil grin on my face.

After jumping on my bicycle, we head off. And as we get to the watchtower, I see everyone else is waiting there.

'So what's the plan?' asks Eddy, rubbing his hands together.

'I'll tell you inside,' I reply.

We enter the school and I place my bag on a desk. I open it, reach inside and pull out a bottle.

'What is it?' asks Rachel.

'I know what it is?' replies Hank. He looks shocked.

I'm not shocked he's shocked. I said the plan was going to be talked about forever.

'Our parents will know they're missing.'

'They won't,' I reply. 'I messed around with the cataloging. Everything's good.'

'What is it?' Rachel asks again.

'Inside this is a monster ghost. And I have plenty more with me. We're going to release them inside the Academy for the Gifted.'

'We'll get in so much trouble if they catch us,' Emily says quietly. 'This is big.'

It sure is.

'Yeah, I don't know about this anymore, guys,' says Peni, shuffling his feet. 'I'm having some doubts now. I thought we were just going to sneak into the school and maybe switch their normal pepper for manticore pepper. My dad works --'

'-- for the lord,' comes a chorus. 'We know.'

'If the lord finds out I was involved, my dad could get fired,' continues Peni. 'My dad will definitely send me to the Dragon Breeders Guild. I don't want that.'

'Nobody's going to know it was us,' I say.

'I still don't know.'

'This is going to be so pleasing,' said Eddy.

'They'll rue the day they messed with the Magic School for the Utterly Useless -- I mean -- Hopeless,' I say. 'Are you ready? Let's --'

Without warning, a bright blue light floods into the watchtower, briefly blinding me. I then stare out and see a massive dazzling blue cloud hovering over the city.

'Slithering silly snakes,' Hank says, squinting.

Emily squeaks in fright.

'What's going on?' stutters Rachel.

'I don't know,' I say. 'I've never seen anything like that before in my life. Could the lord be putting on something, Peni? Did your dad say anything?'

'He said nothing to me.'

We all then scream, even Eddy, as the blue cloud morphs into an enormous wicked face with horns.

A voice soon booms from it. 'To all the residents, I am the Great Destroyer, the evilest warlock in all the land. I'm taking over this city to do as I please. HA HA HA HA HAA!'

I gulp and my legs turn to mush.

This can't be happening. Am I dreaming?

I pinch myself.

I'm not dreaming.

With a flash, the mouth of the blue face opens wide and countless figures pour out and descend on the city.

We scream again before a noise behind us makes us wail even louder.


Like everyone else, I pirouette and see Mr Nos standing in the corner.

'I really do hate when people disturb me when I'm sleeping, you know,' he moans, brushing his messy hair from his face. 'Now what are you doing here and why are you screaming like banshees?'

'Something's happening to the city,' I cry, pointing.

With his droopy eyes, Mr Nos looks out the watchtower. 'The Great Destroyer. This is not good. Everyone's in trouble.'

'What do you mean?' quakes Emily.

'I need to get back home,' says Hank as the blue face turns into a ball and disappears into the city. 'Get to my parents. See if they're safe.'

'I'm coming,' I reply. My heart is racing like crazy.

The others want to come too.

'You think you guys can just walk in there by yourselves?' says Mr Nos. He shakes his head. 'This is the evilest warlock.'

Yeah, we know that. We just freaking heard.

'We have to try,' cries Rachel.

'Yeah, and give this Great Destroyer a knuckle sandwich while we're at it,' Eddy bursts out.

Mr Nos grumbles to himself. He then gives me and the others a few glances before saying, 'Okay, I'll hel . . . hel . . . help you.'

He looked pained saying that.

'Really?' says Emily.

'If anything happens to your parents, I won't get paid for teaching you. And that means I'll be living here in this dump for longer.'

The Magic School for the Utterly Hopeless (Completed/First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now