Chapter 054

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"You want to use pheromones?"

Hearing Rong Mian's question, Song Yang knew what he meant.

Rong Mian nodded with a hesitant expression on his face: "I wonder if I can destroy it from the inside without destroying its outer shell, but I can't grasp that degree."

He didn't know why his pheromone could have such strong destructive power. He had hit the wolf on the snowy mountain before, and it was directly smashed into slag, but the outer shell of the queen ant was harder, like a protective cover, which could block the internal explosion. All wrapped up.

Song Yang: "If you want to try it, try it, anyway, they don't have a better way right now."

Such large-scale and advanced mutants can generally only be encountered during wasteland development, and there are no inhabitants on the wasteland, so there are not so many restrictions and concerns when fighting.

In the current situation, according to traditional practice, the only way is to transfer all the people first, and then use weapons of mass destruction.

If this is the case, the buildings in this area will definitely not be able to be preserved, and it may be impossible to live in in recent years or even decades due to excessive residues.

Rong Mian recalled the situation when he used the pheromone bullet to kill the wolf. According to the comparison of the body size ratio and the mutation level, the compression rate needed to attack the queen could be calculated.

But what if something goes wrong?

While he was hesitating, the queen ant continued to climb in this direction, and the terrifying chirping didn't stop for a moment.

The urgent shouts from various departments continued to be heard on the public frequency.

"Try the shield!"

"It's too big to use it!"

"All personnel within six kilometers have been transferred!"

"The mutant ants have spread to three kilometers away, and the fighter planes and armored units will control the small ones first!"

The more he heard these voices, the more panicked Rong Mian's heart became.

When faced with something you know you can't do, you don't have any expectations, but if it's something you think you might be able to do, you get annoyed, anxious, and start to have expectations.

Seeing that Rong Mian's brows were clenched and his hand was clenched tightly, Song Yang got up and walked in front of him.

"I'll give you two options."

Rong Mian looked up at him.

Song Yang: "Either go with me to save people, or try what you think is feasible. I will cooperate with you."

Rong Mian: "Cooperation?"

"Notify all nearby combat troops to retreat a thousand meters to ensure that they will not be accidentally injured."

Song Yang chuckled, "It doesn't have to be successful all at once, you can do it one part at a time."

Rong Mian's eyes flashed: "Yes, why didn't I think of it."

If you are afraid that the shell will break, start with the softest place first. The soft place will not break, and the hard place will not break even more.

After thinking about it, Rong Mian took a deep breath and calmed down.

"I'm going to try."

Song Yang tilted his head to look at the giant ant queen five intersections behind him, and said to the public frequency: "I want to test a new type of bomb, and ask all the combat troops around the ant queen to retreat one kilometer within a minute."

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