the kiss held for a couple of seconds, or at least that what it felt like, before eddie removed his hand from steve's neck and parted their lips.

"now that's what i am talking about", eddie chuckled before getting up, pulling steve on his hands with him.

trying to hide his awkwardness, steve removed the non- existent dust from his pants before clearing his throat.

"yeah- uhm- so- do you want to go back to sleep? are you tired? do you want to do something else? we could watch tv? or would you prefer a card game? i also have chess if you don't like card games!", steve rambled while eddie just gave him a confused look.

"sorry, just to clarify: i didn't make you uncomfortable, right?", eddie asked.

"what? no! no, of course you didn't! it's just- it's unfamiliar, you know? everything is just so new and i have like zero experience with what's going on in my mind right now so i feel weird for not reacting the right way"

"oh, steve! there is no "right way". and you say you're unexperienced? look at me! i have zero idea what i am even doing. i might have figured out this whole sexuality thing a long time ago but i just try to follow my gut. don't overthink or worry. makes tough life so much easier", eddie pushed a strand of steve's hair behind his ear and steve couldn't help a hopeful smile.

"thanks, ed"

"any time, stevie boy. now, what should we do? i have no energy to clean so we'll to that later"

"hm, what about tv? there's probably just uninteresting stuff on right now, but i doubt that i could even concentrate on anything fully anyways so it wouldn't even bother me to be honest", steve shrugged his shoulders while expecting an answer from eddie.

"sounds good. at least you have more than three tv stations so i am sure we'll find something", eddie chuckled before walking towards the living room and throwing himself on the couch, not even minding the plastic cups which filled it.

steve quickly ate the last few spoons of food from his plate before following eddie, laying next to him. he pushed a few cups from the couch to the floor to create more space. meanwhile, eddie already turned on the tv, skipping from one tv channel to the next one. as already expected, nothing interesting was on, so eddie stopped at a random documentary about space before leaning back and pulling steve as close as possible to his chest.

steve couldn't focus on the tv and instead stared at the arms which were clinging around his torso from behind. eddie's forearms were decorated with the black ink under his skin which formed different shapes, words and even animals, bats to be specific.

"how many tattoos do you have?", steve interrupted the silence between both of them before touching the tattoos on eddie's arms, one after another.

"nine, you want to see them? i made them myself", eddie answered and steve could hear the pride in his voice.

"yes, please", steve said and sat up to give eddie the space he needed to show him.

"what did i tell you, harrington? if i need space, i will move"

steve remembered how eddie already said this before but that couldn't stop the effect it had on him.

it was fucking attractive, holy shit.

eddie took of his band shirt and swung it above his left shoulder.

"so we have this little dragon tattoo, it was my first one, just a stupid little stick-and-poke, you know? i just wanted to try it", eddie said and pointed at a small on hidden on the inside of his upper arm. steve just nodded, not knowing anythingg about tattoos or "stick-and-poke". of course he heard that other people around him tried it before but he never really cared too much. until now, of course. in fact, he cared a lot more about it than about anything else in the world happening, right now.

eddie pointed at two dice tattoos on his ribcage.

"those two shitheads were the most painful", he continued but steve interrupted him

"because it's the most painful place to get a tattoo"

"right! that's right! wow, you actually remembered"

steve smiled at eddie while the metalhead explained each tattoo and the reason for it. even though most tattoos didn't really had a meaning and most of the time eddie's reason was something like "i was annoyed by all the assignments i had to complete for school, so i tattoed "fuck it" on my hip to express my thoughts in that moment"

steve was in awe to just listen to eddie's voice talking and explaining for quite a while. when he was done with all nine tattoos, steve moved his left hand towards eddie's exposed upper body. his fingers slowly drew every line, every letter and every number of each tattoo and steve realized how multiple shivers went down eddie's back. but instead of stopping, he repeated it countless times before eddie softly placed his hand on steve's to interlock their fingers.

"i think i love you, eddie", steve whispered his eyes still focused on the spider tattoo, the tv sounds playing softly in the background.

heyhey!! second update will come in a few hours :)


21k is crazy ngl mwah <3

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