Ozzie's part 2: The stage begins

Start from the beginning

Then it got thorn even more excited when stolas was given the spotlight. Thorn was thrilled to hear this, but then he felt a phone in his pocket. He realized he got a message from nergal. He checked the message and it says: I made it to the lust ring. Wait for my mark, and we finish this. Thorn put it up, and continues to watch, while putting his hand on a handgun. Asmodeus and fizzarolli was about to finish their song. Then millie whacked fizzarolli with moxxie's guitar. 

Millie gives moxxie his guitar so that moxxie can finish the song he was singing for her. Moxxie started to sing, while walking her to the pole. At the entrance of the club. The bouncer is seen unconscious on the ground. Some numbers of imps sat and watch with nergal from the doorway.

"Should we start?" The imp asked. "In a moment, let's just let the imp finish his song." "It would be rude to do so." Nergal said. The imp with a makeup on yawned, and accidently pulled the switch, lifting up the pole. Once moxxie finishes the closing of his song. They both kissed, and earned some applause from the audience. 

Nergal pulls up the hellphone, and text thorn. Back inside, thorn receives the text. It reads: It is time to commence. Thorn makes a grin smile, and puts up his phone. He gets the same imps at the table down there his attention. Giving him the greenlight as thorn sits up and walks out. Nick sees that imp walking out, and passed by the balcony he was in. Getting a bad feeling, nick starts to exit as well. The imp at the table, clicks an app. And finds the start the stream button. 

"You know what? This was a mistake. Alright, let's just." Blitz pauses for a bit. Let's just leave." Blitz said. "Oh right." "Of course." Stolas replied. Blitz and stolas was about to leave, then he sees a random imp at the stage. Violet looks to see the imp, and started to feel like he saw him before. It was when she sees the horns. "Wait a second." Violet thinks back at the harvest moon festival. Remembering the imp that tried to get adam. 

It was when she came to realization when she thought about the thorns. Violet jolted up from the table and goes towards where thorn is. Jimmy is caught off guard when violet jolted off. "Hey, where you going?" Jim asked. "Its him, its freaking him again." Violet hurries to confront thorn. "Wow, what a night." "Eh ozzie?" Thorn speaks up enough for everyone to hear him. 

"A pathetic night if you ask me." Asmodeus said. "Then how about we change that?" Thorn pulls up his gun, and shoots it up. Letting them all know he's a threat. The imps at the table also pulls out their guns as well. One pointing at jimmy. While the other pointed at verosika. The other demons in the club freezes in fear. Looking at thorn who's holding something that can kill any demons and the royal demons with just a pull of a trigger. 

Asmodeus and fizzarolli got angry with thorn. Threating them and the crowd with a gun. "Who do you think you are causing a panic?" Asmodeus said in a angry tone. "Yeah, what are you planning?" "I'm gonna give you few seconds to tell us before I pounce ya." Fizzarolli said. 

"I'm not the demon to tell ya." Thorn said as nergal and few imps appeared. Making everyone fill them even more with fear. "Its about time." Asmodeus whispers to fizzarolli. Adam jolted up as he sees nergal. "You know who I am?" Nergal asked. "Are you saying we're stupid?" "I'm sure everyone, verosika, blitzo, stolas, or even everyone in the rings of hell know ya from the wanted posters. And online." Fizzarolli said. "So the answer is yes." "In case you don't get it." Asmodeus said. "Then I'm sure you know what I want?" Nergal turns his head to adam. 

Adam starts to feel afraid, but also angry at the same time. "Is he talking to us?" Blue eyes  silhouette wondered. "You dingus of course he is." "Why else would he say something like a super villain?" "And casually tuning his head?" "Staring menacingly at us?" Red eyes silhouette tells him like he's educating the dummy. 

"Mhmm." "I'm sure you do." "I knew you would follow the gossips the demons has been spreading all over hell" "Ill fetch him." "Hey adam, can you come to the stage please?" "Nergal here wants a word with ya." Asmodeus announces. 

"Oh I bet." Adam walks out of the balcony. And made it all the way to the stage. "I been looking for you adam." "At last we meet." Nergal said. "So you have." "But I'm not gonna call you by that name. Ill call you by a real name." "Someone I know from the orphanage." "And you weren't kind to me." "Or the other kids." "Isn't that right, Howard?" "Or As some kids called you, elderly howard son?" Adam said. Nergal pulls his hood, and reveals his face. 

Everyone look in shock as his appearance looked like he's a young adult. "Hmph." "I remember being called that." Howard said. Adam sees that he looked different then before since seven years. "I see you changed." "But did anyone told ya if you get so mad you get some wrinkles?" Adam said. Howard laughs at adam. "Well I did almost having one, until I obtained this power of course." Howard said. 

"And just how did you get it?" "Did you pay some price just to attempt to murder me?" Adam asked. "I decide to make a deal with someone." "A human in disguise." "He would give me what I want." "But I would need an innocent soul." "And you were it." "You were the one I needed to be ceased from reality." "So I got the powers, and made a summoning circle." "And had the demons purge the entire place as the whole building comes down." "It was at last, I would carve my own path." "But of course you know what happened?" "It was all foiled!" Howard said. 

"I guess the imps you send didn't do a good now didn't they?" Adam said with a insult. "I don't know how you were this lucky." "But this is the end of your line boy." "Luck won't save you this time." "Once your gone, I can finally get my own powers unlock a true potential." "Ill have to find another demon to help me since the one I shook hands with tries to kill me since I eluded him with the gift I was given." Howard said. "So you were a sissy coward after all since I was the one that screwed your plans over." Adam laughs. 

"You won't be laughing anymore when all of this is over." Howard said. "Hey boss." "Got some kids I like you to meet." Thorn shows nergal jimmy and violet. Adam is shocked to see them here. "Violet, jim?" Adam said. "Hey adam." Violet said. "Sorry adam." Jim said. Adam looks around to see henry is here with verosika being held on gunpoint. Then sees nick being held at gunpoint as well.  Adam growls at this. Seeing his foster siblings in peril. 

"So that's your new family you were in?" "Congratulations on being adopted." "But now its over." "This is where you will meet your fatal end." Howard said. 

666 News studio 

At the studio of 666 news. All the demons in the studio were watching katie killjoy along with tom trench discussing some news going on in hell. One of the major ones was a live stream going on at ozzie's. Where they witness nergal about to kill adam. 

"Looks like nergal is about to kill the one who survived the demon purge." Katie said. "The suspense is killing me here." "I bet yours is as well folks watching at home." Tom said. All the demons were chatting, and wondering how will nergal kill adam? They say ether in a boring way, or something epic. They won't know until if it happens. 

hazbin hotel 

Charlie and others at the hotel sat down and watch in horror as what nergal is about to do. "Adam..." Its all charlie said in a sad tone. Alastor sits down and waits while holding a cup of tea. Watching things unfold.  

Every demons is watching the live stream, including certain others that are watching. 


"I waited seven years for so long." "And after this." "I can go back to making a path, and make a goal that I wanted." Howard said. "Oh I'm afraid we can't let ya do that." Asmodeus smirks. "Well why not?" Howard asked. Someone points a gun at howard. To some surprises, it was thorn." "Nergal's only good imps that served him, pointing a gun at his boss. 

"Thorn?" Howard said. "Sorry nergal, your contract has been expired." "Now I work for someone else." Thorn said. "What?" "So you were in a league with someone else?" Howard asked. "That's right, and if you think its asmodeus." "Wrong guy." "Its someone I won't spoil right now." Thorn said. "But more importantly." "You are trapped with us." "No escaping now hot shot." Fizzarolli said in a cocky tone. "Yeah, how about this?" Howard slams his fist into the ground. Making a dark elemental shockwave. Knocking everyone back. 

Adam rammed into a wall behind him on a stage. "I hold the power that can destroy any powerful ones like you." Howard said.  "Nice trick." "But your ain't the only one with it." "Because we got a secret weapon." Asmodeus said as he gets back up. "This guy." Fizzarolli points at adam. Howard just cracked a chuckle in response. "Him?" "How can a regular being like adam be a secret weapon?" Howard said with a laugh. 

"Glad you asked." "Because this boy here." Asmodeus said. "Has a secret he never knew he had for a longtime." "No wait, years."Fizzarolli finished. Adam is confused at what  fizzarolli said. "Huh?" "What is it I don't know?" Adam wondered. Asmodeus nodded to fizzarolli. He gets a button, and pushes it. And the stage projected a full moon. 

"So kid, what do you see?" Fizzarolli asked adam. Adam takes a look for a moment, and all he sees is a full moon. "Its uh, its a moon." "A full moon." Adam answered. "It is adam." "Now, take a look at this." Then a random black sigil projected on the screen. "Now what do you see?" Asmodeus asked. Adam takes another moment to look. 

"Well, its uh-" Adam suddenly stopped. And something struck his mind.  Adam suddenly kneels down. Howard finds this amusing. "Wow, that backfired." "Some secret weapon he is." "Enough of this, its time I kill him."
"And I know the best way to be satisfied." Howard said. Violet rushes towards the stage. 

"NO!" Violet tries to stop him, but is tackled down by one of nergal's imp minions. "I can't allow it!" Jimmy is also tackled by nergal's two imps. Pinning him to the ground. Howard takes out his cane from his cloak, and pulls out a blade. But looks like its made from hell. "I saved this specially for you kid." "And this will be your final resting place." Howard said. 

"ADAM!" "NO!" Henry shouted. "Got any famous last words?" Howard asked. Adam said nothing. "I guess none then." "Too sad to say any words." "Oh adam." "I always knew you were a defenseless kid." Howard was about to finish adam. But adam suddenly moved. Adam's body moved on its own. Adam began to make some breathing sounds. While his chest started to move. Howard stopped for a moment. "Hm?" Howard said. 

Adam's chest kept moving, it goes on. Then adam's arms grow little muscles all of a sudden. "Guys?" "What's happening to adam?" Jim said with worry. Adam stood up, that grew little muscles. When adam got up. It went from breathing, to a sudden growl. Adam turned to face howard and everyone. With a scary face. Adam's eyes turned completely red. 

Within adam, the scales suddenly moved. The two silhouettes look to see something isn't right with it. The same black sigil appeared, and made a vortex, where the hand emerged. And the atmosphere around them turned dark. Then a dark figure emerged. Two chairs suddenly appeared behind them. And the dark figure just stood still. 

"Wait, chairs?" "What for?" The silhouette with blue eyes wondered in curiosity. "I don't know." The  silhouette with red eyes tries to leave away from the chair, but the wall blocks him. "I knew it." "We're basically screwed." "I guess he just wants us to sit down and watch." The silhouette with red eyes said, and just sat down. "Unfortunately your right." The   silhouette with blue eyes sat down. The both of them sits helplessly and just watch what is about to happen. 

Meanwhile everyone is horrified to see adam's current state. Adam continues to growl. His fangs can be seen, and a powerful shockwave pushed nergal until he grabbed a ahold of a pole. Howard started to get angry. "What trickery is this?" Howard said. Adam growls continues as he undergoes transformation. Adam's dark crimson red aura surrounds him. 

His left hand and his left leg begins to transform. While the dark red crimson aura swirls around adam. The aura started to fade as adam's transformation is completed.  His left hand and his leg appearance changed to what looks like an owl. While the scars can be seen.

 His left hand had a sharp claw, his left leg now had an owl leg. While his right hand and leg still remained normal. 

"It cannot be." "What kind of power did adam have within himself?" Howard wondered. "You don't know what it is?" "This is something that no one ever talks about." Asmodeus said. "Because its a power very dangerous." Fizzarolli said. "A power so dangerous to pass on to anyone." "Especially humans." Asmodeus said. 

Stolas saw in horror, and gasp what it was. "Is-is that?" "It couldn't be." Stolas said. "Uh, might telling what it is if you know?" Blitz asked stolas. 

"Nergal, this is the name they call: Goetia's curse." Asmodeus said.

Adam opens his red eyes, and lets out an owl cry.     






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