"I honestly thought you would've put it here to prank me," Sunoo said as he turned to look at the younger boy. 

"Hyung, you know I wouldn't go that far." Niki pouted in offence. 

"You kidnapped Sunghoon's dog, shoved it into Jay hyung's shirt and made him pretend he was pregnant and going into labour in the middle of the puppy grooming place when it tried to escape. I don't think stealing a baby is the worst of your sins." Sunoo reminded Niki of the time he had decided to prank Sunghoon by making it seem like someone had kidnapped Gaeul, but would surprise him by bringing his dog back all groomed. 

That had failed miserably since Gaeul wasn't fully trained at the time and tried climbing out of Jay's shirt, and to avoid getting the police called on them Niki started hysterically screaming at random strangers, saying 'Jayci Noona is going give birth right now!'. It had landed them on the news as 'crazy dog-napping teenagers' and Sunghoon forbidding them from ever entering his apartment when he wasn't there. 

"What are we supposed to do with it?" Niki asked. He leaned down to stare the baby in the eyes, watching as the little human tilted its head to mirror his actions. Niki frowned and took a step back again. 

"I dunno, it's not our kid." Sunoo huffed. 

"Hyung, we can't just leave a baby alone out here." Niki snapped and placed the lollipop back into his mouth. 

"What's it doing alone out here in the first place?" Sunoo replied. 

"Not sure, but isn't it our job as citizens to protect the children of our country or something?" Niki said although he seemed unsure of himself. Sunoo stared at him flatly, an unimpressed expression on his face. 

"You've got to be fucking with me right now." Sunoo deadpanned, but Niki immediately went forward and wrapped his hands around the child's ears.

"DON'T SWEAR AROUND THE BABY!" Niki hissed. Sunoo's eyes widened in disbelief as he mentally face-palmed himself, not understanding why Niki was so concerned with the baby they had found. 

"Besides, it was on your front porch. Therefore you have the responsibility of taking care of it." Niki reasoned. Sunoo thought about it for a second and it seemed reasonable enough. 

"Oh my god, you're right!" Sunoo said as if it was the most obvious thing ever, making Niki smile for a second. The older male walked around to grab the handle of the baby's stroller, unlocking the wheels as he began to push it out of his front yard.

"What are you doing?" Niki asked as his smile immediately fell from his face.

"Giving someone else the responsibility." That was all Sunoo said as he pushed the stroller all the way onto his neighbour's yard. 

"Wha- Hyung you can't just put the kid in someone else's yard!?" Niki said in complete shock. 

"Watch me." Sunoo scoffed as he walked away from the pram and began heading back to his house, wanting nothing more than to head back inside and pretend nothing had happened. Although his hopes and dreams were immediately crushed when he heard the roll of wheels against the gravel footpath and Niki's footsteps following behind him. Sunoo snapped his head towards the younger and frowned. 

"Niki, did you just steal someone's baby!?" Sunoo asked with feigned innocence and Niki scowled at him. 

"Shut up, you can't just leave it in someone else's yard. You can't trust anyone, hyung." Niki told him seriously.

"You can't trust that demon child, that's what," Sunoo said and Niki ignored him and began pushing the stroller to the front door. 

"And what do you think you're doing?" Sunoo asked.

Oh Baby ||SUNKI||Where stories live. Discover now