Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: A Meeting of Three Kings

The three had gotten to know one another far too well to bother with formality at this meeting. They sat around a round stone table in the great hall of the Goblin king Grindstone. The goblin wore so much gold that he literally shone, and Leonis, wizarding king of Britannia wondered how the smaller creature held up the weight. Not brave enough to inquire, he kept the question to himself, planning to mention it to his husband later as a point of amusement. In this time of war the Gods knew they needed all the amusement they could get but neither elf king nor wizard king was bold enough to anger the goblin king.

Sadly the husband in question, elf king Critter, tended to speak what he thought far too often. Long slender hand laced through Leonis's he studied Grindstone with a curious thoughtful expression before asking, "Is Grindstone afraid that if we all lose the enemy will take all of his gold if he isn't wearing it?"

The goblin king shot the elf ruler a glare, but didn't bother to reply. He had bigger things to worry about and they all knew it. So Critter got away with his little jab... this time. "The weapons of mass destruction are nearly ready. We will be attacking Rome and Beijing within two days," the goblin said.

"May they stop after that," Leonis said with grim hope in his blue eyes.

Grindstone snorted as he derisively pounded the table with a beringed fist. "Truly? You believe they will stop? No they will fight back, simply because we are allied and they insist on seeing a threat that didn't exist until they created a problem. They won't stop. We have to continue this until all leaders are dead and the peasants are ready to surrender."

Idly Leonis wondered if the goblin king would attempt to take over the rule of those human lands for himself when they did, but in truth he didn't care. He just wanted his and Critter's lands to be left alone. For them to be left alone. Whatever the goblins did, wasn't his affair. They'd done no harm to him or any of his. To add to that, the goblins, already being allied with the elves, willingly accepted an alliance with Britannia when the two kings had wed. Grindstone trusted Critter's judgment when he'd married a human king without question and for that, Leonis would always have a soft spot for the goblin. Besides, those wizards who'd begun the attacks on their kingdoms had started it. Now they would pay.

"So if there is nothing else," Grindstone said, shifting in his great wooden chair to indicate the meeting was nearing its end. One may think the little goblin would look ridiculous in such a vast chair, but the gold encrusting its back matched the massive amount of jewelry Grindstone wore, so it was a fitting match and only served to add to the goblin's carefully crafted grandeur.

Before either of the other kings could speak their assent, a throat cleared from the doorway behind them. As one they all turned to regard the gold clad elf who stood nervously tugging at his own robes.

"Yes, Belle," the elf king Critter spoke, addressing his Grand Visier.

"It is is just that...Belle wonders if the attacks can not be launched sooner... As in today perhaps? Even right now? In fact, Belle feels that right now would be perfect!"

"I did say that the weapons were nearly ready," Grindstone snapped peevishly, frowning at the golden robed elf. "If Belle feels we can successfully launch them when they are only nearly ready..."

"No, Belle just wishes progress on them could be rushed... If the weapon crafters could work around the clock..."

Grindstone's frown darkened. "They are working steadily, but I will see if we can push it through to tomorrow, though that is likely as soon as possible if the weapons are to work successfully."

Belle nodded, though his worried expression only eased slightly. Belle was a quite gifted seer and if he had a strong feeling, it usually warranted being listened to.

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