No longer in the darkness

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2 mounths later____
It has been 2 monthes scince i joined the Decepticons,and for my surprise Megatron took me as the 2nd in comande what made Starscream hate me and he tried to kill me,but always fell even Megatron punish him for that no one dares to touch the princess of Taka,to be honest even Megatron dubt about my loyalty for him sometimes but i don't care i still frome him informations without he notices and it's easy
The first day i arrived i remember the face of the cons all tromatised or admiring me i bow infront of megatron and i saw the Mestress of Flames beside him and Amalgamous, i saw them with the other primes only 10 minutes no more each month ,And i'm not permited talk a lot with them or touch them,i only receive there orders

I created doubt among the Cons but no one dubt about me,why?,my ninja illusions,i creat them with my Takadans and some don't make the difference between the reality and an illusion,and also i'm a brilliant spy if you see what i descovered about Megatron and his faction you will be shoked

I don't have friends here only my clone and some camarads some are terrified of me more than on Megatron,some hates me, others admired me and others are Assholes especial thar Buncrusher, the first time he saw me he thought i was easy as a girl.
One day i was walking in one of the halls as he called me
"Hey you!!,you are the Phoenix right?" as i am i didn't turn i only walked
"Can i ask you a question?"he asked
"Be quick,what do you want"i repleyed coldly but didn't turn
"Hwo old are you little Sexy"he asked trying to touch me frome behinde i moved in light speed and hited him harder in his back until he fell i looked to his eyes with a deadly look,
"Hwo dare you to speak like that to the princess of Taka"i said,as i made an illusion where he was living 3 days in hell but in the actual world it's less than 20 seconds ,whene it's over he was shoked and kneelt and beg for forgiveness, i turned and walked away as a leader

Today i was in the cafeteria of the base taking energon with my clone
"So do we stay here a long time?"he asked me
"I'm litteraly done,i'm waiting for the right time to go, all is going as planed and now i'm the 2nd in the comande i have a great luck to still more informations,1 weeks it's all i need"i repleyed at that moment i saw a Decepticon going away with discretion frome the cafeteria i decided to follow him

Deadluck pov____
I escaped frome the cafeteria of the base no one saw me i tried to finde if someone was following but i didn't feel nothing.good
I walked to the central comunication room and told the gards that Starscream needed them once they are gone i went inside and lock the door then i turned to the computer were all the informations are,i took an USB and start dowlanding
"32%,c'mon i don't have time"i told my self
"Can i know what are you doing Solidier"a voice said behinde me, this voice i'm dead,i took the USB quickly i turned and said to the girl behinde me always with her battle eyes
"N-nothing Majesty,just cheking on...some fileds"
"Chaking some fieleds,are you sure?" she aprochiate me,she can read my emotions,i'm dead,she will know and kill me,i saw nothing survive infront of her,even the decepticons who were supposed to be her studients didn't resist on her treanings and rumors said thar in reality she killed them coz they are weak

  closed my eyes and froze when she rested her hand in my shoulder ok, i rose my sworde and attacked her but she evolved it but jumping to the back

"Not bad,not bad at all you are a Cyber Samurai right?"she asked with a deadly eyes
"Yes,my name is Drift and i'm the last Caminus's Samurai"i said with rage and anger
"look around you"she told me for my surprise i was surrounded by fire i can't make any move,i'm dead
"I will close my eyes for this time you are brave and i can't kill you"she complimanted stoping the fire
"W-what?"i asked with shoke
"Listen continue downlanding what you need as i made a fake image on the camera,be carful next time,details like that are dangerous",she said looking to the camera, is she? An imposter million thoughts in my head
"Quickly!!,befor someone enteres",she ordered with no answer i did so

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