Solus Aiolia and Phenix Galia

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At the end of the day,impactor cames to take me home,as i saw him a little farther i rushed and hugged him

"Hwo was your first school day little sis"he said caressing my head
"Very awsome we learned a lot about the primes and the Cyber mithology"i said as,we walk to home me on his back,,and i told him what i learned he was so proud that i remember everything

"Look elder brother it's the (statu),of solus prime"i said as we arrived to the middle of the park,the (statu),was a huge monument,serounded by a beautiful fountain,million of the tourists cames here everyday,yes it's the most beautiful place on cybertron and i'm happy to leave there

"Yes it's the real Solus prime,and in her hand there's her forge,one of the greatest artefacts"he told me

"tell me impactor can we come here tommorow after school just you and i?"i asked
"Yeah sure thing and we can play here a little befor leaving what do you think?"he told me
"I will love too"i repleyed
"Cool i will call dad first"

By that he called kup,whene he finished he brought two energon ice creams to us,we ate thene we play,of corse there's people that looked at me with such anger and rage but i denied them the best i can and focused in playing with impactor

At the evening,whene we arrive i saw my little brother hotrod playing with a plastic arch and an arrow he lookes so cute as i saw my other brothers playing randome games,i entered,took my uniform and i sat in the coush with Kup and Springer with blurr in his armes playing with a pegasus toy so i told theme everything and after i finished kup asked me

"Tell me i wanted to ask you,i have a good friend of mine,a childhood friend,he was a ninja his father served the primes during the last prime war and he is now forming the next generation of cyber-ninjas,so i'm asking you if you want to join theme the next year or study as a normal studient?"

I don't know what i will say,i thought about my brothers as i looked to springer,he noded for a yes

"I...but i will see you everyday right?"i asked
"Of corse you will it's just like a normal school,you will start at 9am and end at 4pm,but there's no boring lessons,of corse you will learn maths,physics,mythology..ex but 70%of the time you will learn to be a great ninja just as Phoenix Galia"he said

"Phoenix Galia,you mean the real phoenix fighter who fought beside the last reincarnation of solus?"

Kup:"it's amazing hwo you are intelligent,yeah you will be as one of those famous ninjas"

Springer:"dad,who is Phoenix Galia?i want more details"
Kup:"Galia,or Galia Taka was the fighter of the Phoenix constelation of the last prime war,she was the twin sister of Taka Aiolia the last reincarnation of solus,they said that she desapeared in mysterious condition as one of the oldest cybertronian i lived that last war

What happened 200 million years ago
i was 4 y/o whene all that happened i herd the primes screaming at her

Aquarius HyoGa(it means cold soul):hwo did you dare to kill your sister for power!!!!!he souted as he trow at her and icy storm

"STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!"screamed Aries Shartimus as he blocked his attack

"Why did you protect her"Pices Atla said as he glared at shartimus

"You directly accused her with no proofs"

"And sister Aiolia can't kill even a fly and you're saying that she killed Galia to gain power?!!,hwo pathetic"Sagittarus Rodimus defended Aiolia by aiming and arrow in his brother head

"Calm down my brothers,can we talk befor fighting?we are the primes remeber"virgo Hiruzen entered the room of the primes with his two eyes closed

Hyoga:"We don't have nothing to say"
Aiolia:by my signe,i swear i didn't kill her"
Atla"and hwo do you explain the blood in your hand and the iris in your takadan


HYOGA"you killed her and you took her iris to place theme in yours

Libra Victor prime enteres and screamed
"ENOGHT!!!!!,what is all this noise?
Hyoga:"it's Aiolia who-
Victor:close your mouth you cold ice,and everyone i remind you that you grow up together,hwo can you believe that Aiolia killed Galia?and you say you are friends?Primus,!you are the worst generation of the primes that i have
Never fought with

Scorpio Ezekiel:"So now you're with her this killer who is supposed to be solus prime??!!!,she is a shame for all of us

Cancer Dion:SHUT UP EZEKIEL NOTHING IS CLEAR YET!!victor is right we can't accuse her like that she may be innocent

Vigo Hiruzen:i will enter her mind and tell you the truth,let go Aiolia

Aiolia"chek if you want"
By that he sat next to her and opened his arkadans (cosmic eyes)to see under her mind by looking into her eyes and placed his forehead on hers,sedently he felt an electric runing in his head and body,"AAAHHHH!!!" He screamed as the takadans tried to kill him,one of his eyes exoloaded and he screamed louder befor falling to the ground as Taurus Gelvatron rush to him

"Hiruzen!!!Hiruzen,do you hear me pleas"
"Ugh~she...she tried to kill me i didn't get acceced to her mind"

Atla:i told you she killed Galia and now everything is clear
"I was for nothing i swear" said Aiolia who is steel on the ground shoked,without moving or attacking

Hyoga:ok if you say so,for anyone believes that Aiolia killed galia follow me
Ezekiel,hiruzen,Atla,and shinra followed him

Victor:where do you think you are going
Hyoga opened a space bridge
Shinra:we will be back in the final battle but we have nothing to do with this killer,if things will get worse,i swear that i will kill her with my celest sword

Rodimus put his hands around aiolia's shoulder to help her stand:you don't have to do it shinra,i will take care of her

Shinra:fine thene,let go Gelvatron

Gelvatron:i'm coming shinra,sorry nothing is clear yet and i doubt about all this story

Dion:ok thene see you in the final battle,Aiolia,don't worry i will finde an answer and be back i'm not betraying anyone
Thene he followed the rest

Aiolia fell again crying infront of everyone
"It's alright i believe in you aiolia"a men cames and hugged her
She opened her eyes"Pegasus Gaidan,my brother"she said hugging him back

"It's alright,even if the taurus,cancer,virgo,scorpio,capricorn,aquarius,and pices fighters turned there back to you,it can't destroy the throwns of the zodiac,and also you are not alone,i'm pegasus Gaidan and i will fight beside you no matter what will happen

___/the end/_____
Crystal pov:
As soon as kup finished the story springer was mouth opened
Springer:but she didn't kill galia right?
Kup:nothing is clear yet even after billion of years
Springer:"and what about her new reincarnation,Mastress of Flames she is for nothing
Kup:i don't know my son,i don't know,anyway i will preapar the dinner help Crystal with her homework
Springer:as you told me dad

At the end of the day i eat dinner,stay with my brothers befor going to my bed,but this night Blurr wants to stay with me,so i accepted

Fixing frome my bed the dark sky full with stars i start remebering my day and focused in the boy i have met this morning Exkaiser,why did i have the feeling that i know him?who is he realy?what's going on?million of questions in my minde but no answer maybe one day i will finde the answers that i was looking for

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