ferwell Crystal

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Blurr pov______
I don't know hwo many minutes had past scince i fainted and my sister woke up her takadans,i opened my eyes,
What?it's over?,i saw many dead  bodies around me only some had survived,i stood with many dificulties

"Mama!*crying*,carrier..answer me please"i turned to the crying little girl,it was my friend Override who was beside many huge rocks covering the body of her dead mother i rush to her and helped her to stand
"Override,your mother is..."i didn't continue the sentence i huges her
"I'm sorry for her my friend"i said,she fell to the ground and cried louder in my shoulder,sudently i saw i turned my eyes to the direction of my sister i was shoked whene i saw her covered with scars and blood,unconssious between the armes of a black bot,he was medium,he covered his face with a mask and his body and head with a larg black cap,who the hell is he

"HEY GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF MY SISTER!!!"i screamed as i rush with full speed to him preaparing to give him a good punch in his face,i don't know hwo but he rose his finger to my chest

"KAIREN!"he said with a lower voice,a bright light formed his finger and i found my self ejected very far frome where i was
"Ahhhhhh!!!!!"i screamed
"Blurr i got you"said Kup arriving with roadbuster as he catched me frome my fall,he turned to the man
"What do you want frome her...ahhh!!!"i screamed as i tried to stand my chest was burned and blood was running frome it
Uncredible with one finger he litteraly killed me

"Don't worry we are in the same side,fighting for primus and his 12 primes"said the man showing us the autobot symbole in his shoulder what made kup and my brother shoked

"Who are you?why did you want my sister?"asked with anger toadbuster

"You will understand later,We have to take her,she is not in danger anymore,it was a pleasur but i have to leave"

"We?who is *we*",WAIT!!!!"i screamed but the man desapeared in a black smog with my sister in his hands

"CRYSTAL!!!!"I screamed with roadbuster

At the night
  Whene we were back kup explain everything to the others,many of us didn't believe that can happen,i didn't eat the dinner,it's 3 am and I was in my room crying under the blanket,why?Why?!have that to happen  why did that man kiddnaped my beloved sister,my Crystal,i start seeing memories of her,het beautiful smille her bright green eyes,her strengh,i remember every moment i had passed with her,i grow up beside her,she becames like a mother to me,she always protected me,tought me many things i always admired her,especial whene she becomes a great cyberninja

"I miss you my sister",i said squezzing my grip of the blanket,i never cried that much,i wanted no one to see me like that,Crystal told me that i must be brave especialy in the up coming years but it's impossible..i can't

"Blurr?"i herd a voice as the person entered my room,it was,Springer?oh no not him,i messed him tertibly it has been 3 years scince i didn't saw him but...i don't want him to see me like that weak,crying,depressed,he always wanted to see all of us like real men,brave solidiers not crying like crybabies,he sat on my bed
"You don't want to say Hi to your brother?"he asked as he caressed me through the blanket,i was crying he was so soft with me
"Yes but..."my voice craked,he leaned and i could feel his body close to mine through the blanket

"I know what happened blurr,it was a shoke for all of us you have the right to cry and the right to know why that happened"he said caressing me

"What do you mean"i asked
"Blurr,i'm not here alone..please wash your face wear your armor and head down"he said taking the blanket frome me,Frag he saw me?,i closed my eyes

"You graw up scince the last time i saw you my little brother"he said taking my hand frome my face first i hesitated but after he kissed my head i took it,i was shoked to see him,he becames a man!!the last time i saw him he was like a 13y/o kid and now he is a 16 y/o teenager he becames stronger and badass at the same time he changed. A lot
"I missed you springer"i jumped as i hugged him
"I missed you too my little brother"he hugged me back
After that we headed down i saw all my brothers reunited and kup was talking to..it's IMPOSIBLE!!,no he can't be...Longarm Prime,my jaw reached the floor the real Longarm prime reincarnation of Aquarius Amalgamous prime is here in our leaving room

"My dear little wreckers as you know your sister is tooken frome you,by a unknow man,but..Don't worry,this man it's me who sended him"he said

"WHAT!!!!"We all screamed
"Shuuuut*"glared at all of us kup

Longarm:"as i said it's me who send that men,he is a good friend of mine luckily he arrived in the right time,your sister was about to die if he didn't emprison her power,he didn't want to hurt her i can garentee that for you"

I was shoked,what's?!.going?!on?!?!i told my self
"But that doesn't explain the reason why you took her away frome us"said Roadnuster,Longarm turned to kup and told him
"You will tell theme or..."asked him longarme
"I will.."said kup as he stood
"I was afreid of this day will come but..you have to know something, the truth is that your sister by the phoenix on her arme is the chosen fighter of the Phoenix constelation the most dangerous constelation"he said

Again everyone even springer: "WHAT!!"
Longarme:"scince the begining of the methology the Phoenix fighter is chosen the day he cames to this world he is always frome the clan taka and the closest protecter of the primes like Pegasus,Cygnus,Casseopia,Herculus and many others,and whene that kid wokes up his takadans his power becomes devastating and dangerous therefor he had to be taken to an extra entrainment for 7 years in  Volta(a planet just like cybertron with an organic life formes) durring this periode he will experiment many dangerous trainings and see the hell it self as it said"

All of us:"WHAT!!!!!!???!" Even kup
Me:"No it's impossible!!"
Roadbuster:"did you lost you minde!!!'
Blaster:"it's no way we let you do that to our beloved sister
Hotrod:"tell me it's not true

Longarm:"but don't worry coz once her treaning are over she becomes the phoenix him self unvinsible, instoppable,strong,fearless, and she will be back to serve the light side,and your sister is the destined phoenix fighter,i think it's all i have to say"

Shortly after he leaved by a space bridge with Springer who escorted him,a prime cames here,he stoped all hiq work to tell us all of that it was a horrible shoke,my poor sister,leave hell at age of 10 y/o i didn't found sleep scince thene until 6 am tired of crying why have that to happen even if i know it's an honor but,it hurts life without her even kup is sad as everyone,

The next day Jazz her friend cames with her sensei Izumo exactly at 8.am they are here,i can't forget jazz's expressio,whene he herd that she is gonne he fell to the ground and cryied,it's normal to cry as his master told him,i herd jazz saying to his master
"I loved her",what broken me but she will be back after 7 years and thene we will meet again with her,she will probably change and maybe never remember us at all

Crystal Taka(a Transformers oc fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin