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Guz let be clear in something befor you start reading these:
The name of the primes are real and also the role they play in Transformers

The rest is totaly my imagination anyway hope you liked it


"For times begain, Primus and Unicron were brothers, twin heralds created by the Allspark to explore the univers they said that they were born in the begening of the Univers thene created and protected worlds with both of there power,there sparks were related until the day Unicron turned against his brother and start destroying what they have protected eons ago,by that Unicron becames his eternal foe, whom he battled for eons before going into stasis. Primus also created the Thirteen, the first Primes, to defeat his evil twin brother and cast Unicron into deep space."

"The thirteen original primes that were created were the reincarnation of the power of primus every prime has one or two caracterestics that primus it self has.

It said that every prime is born under the power and protection of a Zodiaque constilation and created 12 legendary Clans in Cybertron and there was "Chosen ones"normal Transformers frome those clans or elsewhere chosen to fight beside the Thirteen primes and also are puted under the power and protection of a star or a constelation

The thirteen primes were:
Prima prime, Prime of light
Fighter of the Taurus constelation♉
Creater of the clan Arka(Light)

Victor prime:prime of the time and the equilibre gardien of space and timeFighter of the Libra ♎Creater of the clan Toô(Iron)

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Victor prime:prime of the time and the equilibre gardien of space and time
Fighter of the Libra ♎
Creater of the clan Toô(Iron)

Solus prime:only femal among the primes,they said she had 2 personalities Prime of creation and prime of war and absolut power,she was the strongest of all of the primesFighter of Gemini♊Creater of the Clan Taka(Fire)

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Solus prime:only femal among the primes,they said she had 2 personalities Prime of creation and prime of war and absolut power,she was the strongest of all of the primes
Fighter of Gemini♊
Creater of the Clan Taka(Fire)

Solus prime:only femal among the primes,they said she had 2 personalities Prime of creation and prime of war and absolut power,she was the strongest of all of the primesFighter of Gemini♊Creater of the Clan Taka(Fire)

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