Dinner And Football Match

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Note: English is not my first language so please ignore any grammatical mistakes.

Sarawat pov:

Guntithanon industries:

One week is passed since the last meeting with tine. I was sitting in my cabin , working on the pending files. Suddenly someone knocks on my door.

Sarawat: "come in"

I was surprised by the person, it was tine.
He didn't contact me after the last meeting, and now he is in my cabin.

Sarawat: "hi tine"
Tine: "hi"
Sarawat: "come sit"

He sits on couch again, i think he really likes my couch.

Sarawat: "So you are here in the company, did you have any work?"
Tine: "me and dad are here to invite your family for dinner"
"My dad is talking with your father, so i came here"

So he is here because he was bored. But i have work.

Tine: "can i sleep here for few minutes ?"

'What the hell does he think of my office. This is not a hotel. But... He is looking tired. Like he didn't sleep for months.'

Sarawat: "yeah sure"
Tine: "thanks"

I sat back at my table and in a few minutes tine fell asleep.

After reviewing some files i saw tine, he was sleeping peacefully

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After reviewing some files i saw tine, he was sleeping peacefully . I put my blazer on him because i didn't have any blanket.
After 2 hours he woke up. He was rubbing his eyes and he is looking so cute.

Tine: "why didn't you wake me up ?"
Sarawat: "oh you were sleeping peacefully so, i didn't wake you"
Tine: "thanks"
"I think i should go now, see you at dinner"
Sarawat: "ok bye"
Tine left the office.
He really came here to sleep. Next time i should take money from him for sleeping here.

No one's pov:

Teepakorn house:

Sarawat and his family goes to tine's house. Both family greets each other. Surprisingly sarawat met Love there. Love and sarawat used to study in same University and both were part of CTRL S band. Sarawat got to know love is tine's cousin. Both family eat dinner together. Sarawat at dinner stares tine. He thought tine will talk to his mother because last time he was so excited about spending time with his mother but now he was not talking to anyone. After finishing dinner tine directly went to his room. And both family sat at hall and were discussing about business. Love suggested to take sarawat for showing tine's house.

While touring house sarawat got to know that in morning only Mr.Teepakorn was coming to invite them but tine insist to come with Mr. Teepakorn. He said he wants to meet sarawat. Sarawat felt happy knowing about this.

Sarawat: "where is Tine's room ?"
Love: "oh he doesn't have any room, he sleeps in guest room"
Sarawat: "what ?"
"I mean it's his house why does he sleeps in guest room ?"
Love: "yes it's his house but he doesn't live here. He comes here rarely"
Sarawat: "why ?"
"If he doesn't live here then where does live"
Love: "oh he has his own house , he lives there"
Sarawat: "i am sure he asked his father for for separate big house for parties"
Love: "what ?"
"No , he bought a simple small house with his own salary and you know he worked overtime for buying that house and he doesn't do party there, he doesn't allow anyone in that house"
They enter in mr.teepakorn's room. There were lots of pictures of tine in which he was smiling. He was happy.

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