Me, Myself and Marinette

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"I don't know Marinette, I'm not sure this is a good idea."

"Come on, Tikki, my experiments haven't all been complete failures, plus I'll be Multimouse so you can help me if there are any issues."

The small red kwami didn't look convinced of Marinette's plan. Since becoming the Guardian she had come up with some strange ideas, but this was by far the most dangerous.

"If I can just get the power to hold a little out of transformation then it'll give me a slight advantage."

Marinette added another item into the mix and waited for the 'puff' she'd expected only for it not to arrive. She took the lack of explosion as a good sign and continued on with the mix. Was she following the grimoire correctly? Maybe? But there was nothing wrong with a little poetic license every now and then was there?

"Marinette, I'm really not sure."

"It's just for a day or two. If this works I can get some sleep, work on the grimoire and go to collège without missing anything. Once we combine back together it'll be like I've done all those things. I'll be fresh and ready to roll."

A thought during the night had sent her into a tailspin. If you could use 'multitude' as her power up and be able to take some of it through into her 'normal' life, maybe she could actually start getting things done instead of running out of time. After all, three Marinette's were better than one.

Continuing to add things to the mix, she stirred erratically, sending the potion over the sides of her makeshift cauldron (a bucket) as she became more and more excited about the prospect. Three! She could spend time looking through the grimoire and hopefully making some progress, the other could sleep, and then, finally, she could send one off to collège, it was a win-win situation if you asked her.

With one final pinch of basil, it was complete...well at least she hoped.

Adding it to her cheese, she watched as the colour turned from bright yellow to a rather strange grey colour. It didn't look appealing but she was going to trust Lumiere 'try the grey stuff it's delicious, don't believe me ask the dishes.' After all, when had Disney ever let her down in the past? She shrugged. Nope. Never.

Making her way over to the Miracle Box, she pressed the code to open the correct section, taking the necklace from its hidey hole and placing it around her neck. Here goes nothing.

"Mullo, get squeaky."

As her clothing changed into the tight super costume of Multimouse, Marinette couldn't hold back the excitement. What could possibly go wrong with this?

"Don't you think you should at least call Alya? Maybe she could help you with this? Or talk you out of it?"

"Tikki, it's just like 24 hours, it'll be fine."

"And if there's an akuma attack?" Her little red companion said.

"Then we have additional back up." She moved around a little more, checking everything was where she needed it. "Right, now I just need a little bit of Ladybug luck."

"Tikki, Mullo, unify."

The red and black meshed into the grey and pink creating an outfit she hadn't worn for a very long time. She quickly have herself a look in the mirror with a little exhaled laugh, before unhooking her yo-yo and opening the top.

"Come on," she whispered, rummaging around, "I just need a little Ladybug luck." With her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth, her hand fell deeper and deeper down into the depths of the yo-yo, until suddenly she found something. Pulling it out, she now held two Lucky crackers in her hand. Excellent.

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