Hoodies and Playground Dates (KurooDai)

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Daichi yawned as he sleepily made his way from the bathroom to the Karasuno dorm. He was exhausted from playing all day long at training camp and from yelling some sense into his kouhais. He really just wanted to sleep. He took a deep breath with half closed eyes and inhaled the fresh air coming through an open window. The cicadas were pretty loud at this time of the year, but Daichi didn't mind. He was a 'country boy' as Kuroo liked to call him so this made him feel a bit more at home in this foreign city. He hid his arms a bit more in his hoodie so that not even the tips of his fingers were outside. Another yawn escaped his mouth. He could really sleep right now and here. His clothes were comfy, the air was fresh and the noises pleasant.

"Nice hoodie, Sa'amura", a voice came from the dark.

Daichi startled, hand flying to his heart. He was very awake suddenly. "Goddammit, Kuroo", he mumbled. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

Kuroo laughed and stepped out of the shadows. "Wasn't my intention but funny to watch anyways."

"Yeah...", Daichi said with a stern look. "Definitely not your intention."

"It really wasn't", Kuroo pouted. "I just really like your hoodie."

"My hoodie?" Daichi looked down his body in confusion. "What's so special about my hoodie?"

"It looks comfy" Kuroo shrugged his shoulders.

"And this is so important you have to keep me from sleeping?"

"It was just an observation, Sa'amura." Kuroo raised his hands in defense.


They stood there in silence for a moment. Daichi was fully aware that he could just turn around and go to bed, wish Kuroo a goodnight and forget this whole incident that he could not make any sense of. But his feet were practically glued to the ground and he couldn't move. He didn't understand anything of this, only that Kuroo had something mesmerizing, his eyes glowing in the dark of the night.

"So..." Kuroo broke the silence. "How much for the hoodie?"

"Four packs of ice cream and a date." The words left his mouth, before he could think about them and Kuroo didn't give him a chance to take it back. "Deal", he said immediately and a grin crossed his face as he turned around and walked down the hallway. "Night Sa'amura." He raised a hand as if waving, but didn't look back.

Daichi stood there with an open mouth, his mind spinning, trying to calculate what had happened just now. Had Kuroo Tetsuro just agreed on a date? A warm tingling feeling spread in Daichi's stomach and he frowned. What the fuck. And the bastard just left him alone with that.

When Daichi laid down on his futon to finally sleep he tried to convince himself that it was just a silly joke between them, neither of them had been serious. At least he hoped so, cause he didn't want to know what kind of disaster would await if Kuroo actually bought four packs of ice cream. And most importantly if he was serious Daichi had to give his favourite hoodie away. No, of course they were only joking.


Daichi wasn't completely awake yet. He really tried to listen to Suga complain about some sort of technique he tried to learn but didn't quite succeed. He tried to listen to Asahi's encouraging words and he really tried to participate in the conversation to motivate Suga. But he hadn't got any sleep last night. After the encounter with Kuroo all the tiredness had been gone and no matter how often Daichi had assured himself that it didn't mean anything, his mind didn't stop thinking about it.

A date with Kuroo... It probably wouldn't even be that bad. Although the captain of Nekoma really got on Daichi's nerves and he couldn't stand him at all at first, he kind of grew fond of the stupid nerd.

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