Just A Hookup (OiHina)

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"We shouldn't do this."


"This is wrong."

"You're right."

"We should stop."


"We both like other guys."


Hinata Shoyo didn't know how the hell this happened, but somehow that night, he had ended up with Oikawa Tooru, the one setter besides Kageyama, that he never could stand. His arrogance always bothering him, his confidence too much for him.

And now they were kissing, touching each other in places they should not touch, giving each other feelings, that should not be there.

"Stop thinking Shoyo", Oikawa had told him that night. "It's just one night." And they had continued what they had begun. Because they both needed fun, they both needed physical contact, they both were so in need.

Just one night, he had told himself. It was just for one night, as Oikawa had sad. There was nothing bad about a one night stand. He and Kageyama weren't exclusive. So there was no problem, right?

Just... It was indeed for more than one night. It got a habit. They played volleyball, then they hooked up. They met for dinner and hooked up. Even when Kageyama visited them in Brazil they hooked up, because it got so normal by then, that they couldn't stop.

They were friends with benefits, only that they were no friends, just good acquaintances.

There were no feelings involved. They promised each other that. Because they both were in love with another idiot, who lives halway across the world.

But they didn't feel guilty. At least not often. This was just for fun, right? Just to spice it up a bit. No one was harmed.

But slowly Hinata understood what it meant to have physical contact with someone almost everyday, what it meant to be so used to it, what it meant that they couldn't stop.

And he was afraid. So afraid. Because he didn't want it to go so far, he hadn't meant to make it a habit. He didn't thought about what could happen.

He was afraid he'd catch feelings, cause he knew that it would destroy him, it would destroy them.

So one day he leaned away when Oikawa reached for a kiss, he didn't agree to another hookup, he sat still and looked away.

"What is it?", Oikawa asked. He needed distraction from a long day.

"I can't do this anymore", Hinata said, Oikawa still over him, ready for their usual thing. "I think we should stop this. Right here, right now." He didn't dare to look Oikawa in the eyes. As if he did, and he knew that, he would give up. He would continue this adventure, because he didn't want to stop. He wanted to kiss Oikawa, day after day, month after month, he didn't want to lose him. But he knew it was for the best, so he didn't look him in the eyes, his breath steady, as if he was so sure. Mask on his face, no emotion showing.

"Why?" Oikawa leaned back. "We had fun, didn't we?"

"Yeah" Hinata stared at the wall. "We did."

"Then why do you want to stop?"

"You know it."

The silence was so thick and heavy, Hinata wanted to scream. He wanted to tell Oikawa all the things that crossed his mind, wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to whisper the things into his ear, that made him so flustered. He wanted to run and at the same time stay. He wanted...

"I don't want to catch feelings", he sad calmly. "Because you're in love with Iwaizumi and this was just supposed to be a one night stand, we both know that."

"Okay", Oikawa said after a while, as if it was nothing. "Give me one last kiss and I leave you. I promise, I won't ever do it again."

Hinata stopped breathing. His eyes found the ones of Oikawa and although he made up his mind about stopping this, he leaned forward, because he was so in need. Their lips touched, but it felt different. Not just a fun little kiss. It tasted bitter and sweet, like the farewell it was and Hinata wanted to cry, because he wanted more, he couldn't stop. But they parted and Hinata looked away, once again.

"Okay", Oikawa said again. "Have a good life, Shoyo." He stood up, went through the door and was gone. Hinata was alone.

The emptiness crawled inside his body, making him feel anxious, his chest clenched and he couldn't breathe. His mind hadn't quite progressed what happened, but he was gone. He was gone and would never return. And it was his fault.

Suddenly Hinata knew. He knew that it was too late. Knew that he couldn't stop it anymore. Because he already fell for him. And now he was gone. 

795 words

Hi :)

Yes, I'm alive. This oneshot was rather short, and totally different from what I had in mind. It's not my usual style, but I actually like it a lot.

I hope you do too 

Best wishes, Jo :)

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