chapter 25 - considerate

Start from the beginning

"romie what's your favourite drink, I haven't asked you this question before have I?"

"asked me yesterday actually"

"oh my bad, well it always could have changed you know"

"it's still a vanilla milkshake"

sid barks as he keeps on hearing reece's voice.

I laugh at him and pet him on his ears to which he calms down and lies on my lap again.

"sid dude it's only reece calm down"

I laugh at him.

"you at soph's house?"

he asks me sounding like he's eating something. maybe crisps.

"ohh yeah I forget to tell you her grandma is in the hospital and she needed to go down to see her because she's in critical condition so I offered to stay her and watch sid and the house" I tell him turning Netflix down more.

"by yourself? I thought you didn't like being alone at night?"

"very true and I didn't think of that when I said yes but it will be fine I promise"

"willow I saw how you were that one night"

"I'm not a baby, I'll be fine I promise don't worry"

"being scared of being alone at night doesn't make you a baby willow"

"it's not like I'm scared of it I just don't like being alone in the dark. the thought revolts me really but if I keep the lights on I will be absolutely fine and also sids with me"

"do you want me to stay there with you? It wouldn't be a problem because I don't have work"

I think for a minute before answering.

"that would be too much on you and I'm sure your dad wouldn't want you away from home for that long"

I worry that would anger his dad him being away from home.

"he isn't here and won't be for a week or two and also I'm 19"

he reminds me which makes me laugh.

"it's up to you, the offers there. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable staying in that house by yourself"

"if it's really not an issue then I guess it would make it better"

"it doesn't if it helps you. have you eaten would you like me to get pizza on the way there? or chinease?"

"chinease is good"

he ends with an 'okay' and then hangs up the phone.

I think one of his best traits is that he's so considerate. I mean you wouldn't have thought it because to other people he probably comes across as grumpy and miserable and even though that is true there's so much more to him.

he's so caring and puts other people first and you can just tell that with the way he is with his dad. he puts other people first then sometimes they don't really deserve it.

and with me, him just listening to me rambling and not walking away and telling me to 'shut up' is enough for me honestly. I just know he listens and takes in the things I'm saying.

when I need to rant or just to bable about random subjects. It's not like he responds most of the time but that's okay. he's not a big talker but that's probably just compared to me.

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