Guardian Angel

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I lifted my leg over the other one, looking outside the window of the café as I took a sip of the coffee in my hands.

"So what are you going to do about your car?" Mike finally asked curiously with a lifted brow. I turned my attention towards him and took a sigh out of pure embarrassment.

"I'll just ask someone to bring it home".

"God, Dominic", he said relaxing his body in a slumped position on his chair. "You can't even drive your own car? You've been doing therapy for two years, you have to try and sit behind those wheels".

"I can't", I said softly, trying to hold myself together and not snap in public.

"You can, all that is just in your head", he explained. No, it's not in my head. Why is he making me look like some schizophrenic?

"You don't understand Mike. No one understands, no one will", I looked at the mug in my hands. Staring at the brown thick liquid inside as if I were waiting for it to randomly speak. Maybe I did lose my sanity.

"Now please, will you drive me to Stephanie's school? I want to see her", I added. He looked at my face for a while before nodding.

I stood to my feet, asking for him to let us go now. He didn't argue but just did that. For most, if they remember well, Mike was my boss. I wish I could say he still was but I quit my job.

I lost him as a boss but didn't lose him as a friend. A very good loyal friend. He was there for me through it all. Not to say he told me it was never my fault, hell no, in fact, he was just as pissed as my father that I cheated on my wife and kept it from everyone. But even so, just like the friend he was, he helped me cope with PTSD and he was even the one who told me about Cindy.

Once in a while he would try convincing me to come back and work with him but I just couldn't. I didn't quit because I didn't like my job or anything. No, not at all. Plus I just didn't spend all my time home eating my life away with depression and lack of sleep as I buried myself in my art room. I actually was working. Not for anyone.

A few years ago, my father wanted me to take over his work, running his hotels. I wasn't for the idea, neither was Ashley because she knew I didn't want that. She was the only other person supporting and respecting my decision. But after I lost her, after she left me, everyone wanted me to accept the big gift from my father. So I gave in.

So I've been working from home, I have a secretary to inform me on everything happening that side. But for the meantime, I didn't like the idea of going to Jamaica. Ever.

"Now you're making it look like I'm your chauffeur", Mike laughed as he drove. I was seated at the backseat, and he at the front. I smiled at his comment, which was true. Yes, with the way he was dressed in his black suit and driving in front, he did look like my driver.

"Y'know, you could actually be one. I mean I fired my previous driver, he was a pain in the ass".

"Everyone is a pain in the ass to you. Your ass must be sore", he smirked. I couldn't help laughing at his words. Maybe he was one of those people I never snapped easily at. He and Cindy of course. I wish I could say Ashley, too. But every time we spoke, I always found myself going on an emotional roller coaster. I would snap at her, then the next second I would be crying. I never understood it. But I regretted that. I could tell how she feared being around me. My presence left her uncomfortable.

"And you say you want a chauffeur eh?" Mike said looking at me on the rear view mirror, his eyes meeting mine. I slowly nodded my head before he continued, "I have a cousin, my youngest cousin actually. David. Sweet boy. He just dropped out of college".

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