Coping with Failure

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He had lost... He never thought he would live to see the day but, it happened. The great monster king, Godzilla had been usurped of his throne. And it was none other than his arch nemesis King Ghidorah. Speaking of which...

The now-king of the monsters, Ghidorah flew and gazed over his newly-earned Kingdom and subjects. He had forced all of them against their will to destroy this pathetic human world and remake it in his image. No matter how strong the wills of the Titans were, they could not resist the call of an alpha. "Yes, this planet is finally ours. We have a place to call our own and a kingdom to rule." Ichi smirked.

"How do you feel about this, mother, father?" Ni sarcastically asked.


Ghidorah stood in a large area in between huge rock walls with an opening above. His gaze was focused on a larger 3-headed dragon with battered wings and crown-like horns. Standing beside Ghidorah was another larger one with darker brown skin and long pointy horns with a cream underbelly. The dragon with the crown horns approached the pair. "Sons." He spoke; revealing the Ghidorah we know and the brown one as his sons. "After much consideration, I have decided that the one to inherit the throne and this planet is...Tasū!" Ghidorah's eyes widened as all three of their jaws dropped.

"Excuse me, I think I have something in my ear. I think it's a piece of "What the hell is this bullshit!"

"Ghidorah, there is no need for such language." The crown-horned Ghidorah spoke to his son.

"Why not?! That is exactly what it is; a huge pile of bullshit!!!"

"I see non of that here, son. I have simply picked your brother to inherit what was mine."

"And that's exactly why! Why didn't you pick me?!"

"Because you have proven yourself to be unworthy of such possessions."

"What?! how?!"

"You are arrogant, greedy, sadistic, and power-hungry. Not to mention lustful and perverted."

"But I can push those things aside to rule properly."

"I'm sorry, son, but the decision has been made. Your brother has been chosen." His father walked away with their faces full of remorse.

"Sorry, brother." Ghidorah's sibling walked by him. "You can still play an important part." He said trying to cheer him up. But his efforts were in vain as Ghidorah simply snarled and flew away. Leaving his brother feeling guilty.

(End of flashback)

"We can finally look back on that day and laugh." Ichi sneered.

"I don't feel any better," Kevin said sadly.

"No one cares about your opinion! Are you the main head?!"



"Umm...excuse me, your majesty?" They were interrupted when they heard a voice behind them. "What now?"

They spotted the red pterodactyl known as Rodan. "Oh, it's you again. Are you here for a rematch?"

"No, I just wanted to congratulate you as the new king." He said nervously.
"So who exactly are you? I've heard rumors that you come from space."

"We all come from space, you idiot. What you mean to say is that we come from another planet."

"You mean there's life on other planets?"

"Of course, you simple-minded earthling! Ni hissed.

"Typical of you earth creatures to assume you're alone in the universe."

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