The One Who is Many part 2

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It was an early morning. Godzilla and Mothra were still sleeping. Then Godzilla began to dream of another memory from his childhood.


Godzilla was on a large, grassy, plain in the early morning. He had just finished spending time with his father. "Well, Godzilla, I'm sorry but I have to go, for now, okay?"

"Okay." Godzilla saw his father make his way to the ocean and swam away. He always wondered where he went...

Suddenly he heard a noise behind him. He saw his older brother, Reo. When Reo saw that Godzilla had spotted him, he ran away in another direction. Reo always went in a particular direction and nobody knew why. But Godzilla was curious and decided to follow. He followed quietly, making sure to stay hidden in the tall underbrush. He was starting to regret his decision when he saw Reo go into a small cave. "What is he doing?" Godzilla quietly approached the cave entrance. He peaked inside and saw: Crystals.

"What is this place? And what is Reo doing here?" Reo approached a large, white, crystal

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"What is this place? And what is Reo doing here?" Reo approached a large, white, crystal.

"Crystals,"~ Reo said in a soothing tone. He almost appeared to hug it. "Why can nobody else see it? Crystals possess such power and beauty; I am the only one who can see it." Reo grabbed the crystal and closed his eyes. His dorsal plates began to glow and the crystal started to vibrate. Then all of the crystals vibrated and glowed their respective colors while they made a loud ringing sound. It went on for a while and the ringing of the crystals got so loud that it began to hurt as Godzilla had to cover his ears. But Reo didn't seem to mind; it was almost as if he was used to it. Then Reo let go and everything stopped. He sighed; "I still don't know how to utilize their power, but I need to. Maybe it will impress father..." Godzilla began to sneak away. But he suddenly tripped, making a loud thud on the ground and he made a small groan. Reo's head snapped in response to the noise. He saw his brother at the entrance. His eyebrow furrowed in anger and shock to see his younger brother had seen him. "What are you doing?!" He roared.

"Umm..." Godzilla was too dumbstruck to answer as he has never seen Reo so angry.

"I thought you were with father!"

"I was but...he left and...I saw..."

"Saw what?!"

"I-I-I...s-saw you"

"Then why did you follow me?!"

"I just..wanted to see..."

"Well, you saw, so leave now!" Godzilla began to walk away.
"And don't tell anyone about this!"

"But why?"

"Shut up and just leave!!" Godzilla ran away to his home.

(End of flashback)

Godzilla woke up from his dream. He was surprised because he forgot it was from a long time ago. His eyes adjusted to the bright light of the morning sun. He always did wonder why his brother had an obsession with crystals. "Forget such memories. I don't want to grieve anymore." He felt a large, soft, and warm mass on his side. He saw it was Mothra. "We must have fallen asleep here." Godzilla looked at Mothra and licked her forehead. He began to groom her soft fur much as a cat would. It eventually woke up Mothra.

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