Chapter 26 - The Terrorists

Start from the beginning

"I want my mommy!" Lori sobs.

"I know you do, darling." Lena says, feeling very emotional herself, because she knows the significance of Lori calling Kara 'mommy' right now. However, all Lena knows is that she just has to wait for Kara to return, and in the meantime give Lori all the comfort she needs. "She'll be back soon."

"Why did she leave me?" Lori sobs, "Everyone leaves me!"

"No.... that's not true." Lena says, in a soothing voice, "Kara is never, ever, going to leave you. She loves you, so much. She just had to go and stop the bad people, and keep other people safe. If she didn't do that, and stayed here with us, while she knows that she could have done something, she'd feel very guilty if people got hurt, when she could have prevented it. You don't want mommy to feel guilty over anything, do you?"

"No." Lori says, with a sniffle.

"See." Lena says, "Mommy will be back soon though."

"When?" Lori asks, looking up at Lena nervously.

"As soon as she has beat all the bad people." Lena says.

"I want her to be back now." Lori says, and starts to cry again.

"I know you do, darling." Lena says, holding Lori close to her chest again.

Lena continues to hug Lori for the next few minutes, but soon the two are pulled from their moment by Lena's phone ringing. Lena grabs it from her pocket and answers it, just in case it's Kara calling or something.

"Lena? Are you guys okay?" The voice of Alex asks.

"Alex." Lena says, with a bit of relief in her voice, "Yes, Lori and I are fine at the moment."

"Good." Alex says, "I'm calling because we just got the alert of the attack at the mall, and I know that you, Kara and Lori were shopping there, from what Kara told me."

"Yes." Lena replies, "We were just about to walk out of the mall when the attack happened."

"Where are you guys now?" Alex asks, "I already know that Kara is currently chasing down a terrorist who ran away."

"Kara locked Lori and I inside a disabled bathroom in the mall. She said she'd tear off the handle, and use her heat vision to weld the door shut." Lena explains.

"Okay. That's good." Alex says, "You'll both be safe in there. Nia and I are almost at the mall. Once we arrive, we are going to do a sweep, just to make sure Kara got all the terrorists, and none of them got away. But once that is finished, we'll come to you, unless Kara finishes and gets there first."

"Okay. Thank you, Alex." Lena says back.

"Is Lori okay?" Alex asks, with some concern in her voice.

"Not really. She's crying at the moment. I'm trying to reassure her, but she wants Kara, understandably." Lena explains.

"Yeah, alright. Just hold tight. I'm sure everything will be over soon." Alex says.

"Okay. See you soon." Lena replies, and then ends the call.

Once Lena ends the call, she looks back down at Lori, who is still lightly sobbing.

"That was aunt Alex. She and Nia are on their way here. They are going to clear out the mall, and make sure none of the bad people got away." Lena says, "Then after, they will come and find us."

"What about mommy?" Lori asks, with a very worried look on her face.

"Mommy is chasing down a terrorist who ran away. She'll come back and find us once she catches him." Lena says.

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