Vegas: The Future I Have Chosen For Myself

Start from the beginning

I slammed my hand against the table, harshly, causing the other guests to turn towards us. I did not want to cause a sensation, however, I could not allow my father to insult in my presence the man who had supported me in everything for two years, loved me with all his heart and helped me achieve what I had dreamed of. Pete didn't deserve to be treated that way, whether he knew it or not.

"Are you crazy? You make a laughing stock out of us!" father growled, grabbing my hand tightly, but I pulled it out and, throwing money on the table, looked at him coldly.

"If you don't respect Pete, don't count on more dinners," I said firmly. "You are my father and I love you, but he is the person I will spend my life with. I don't care if I'm an Alpha and he's a Beta. I'm not interested in some destiny and Omega shit, which is supposed to make me understand what love is. I know what it is. I met love two years ago and since then I've been happy, everyone sees it, but not you. Why?"


Without waiting for an answer, I went outside, allowing the cooler air to fill my lungs and clear my mind. I knew that my words would not change my father's opinion, but I hoped that at least they would stop him from making another hurtful remarks. This topic, so often brought back over by others, drove me crazy, especially since I knew what Pete thought about it. How afraid he is of the day when I will finally meet this so-called destiny. But I couldn't imagine anyone who would fit me better than my kitten. I sighed, lazily steering my steps towards the motorcycle, and soon after I set off on my way to our new apartment.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when I finally pulled up to our sidewalk. I parked carefully, watching out for the flowers that Pete had recently planted next to the concrete, and rushed to the door, surprised that there was no light reflecting in the windows.

"Pete?" I went deeper, looking around, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "Pete?!"

I walked into the bedroom with a quick step, a little worried, when I noticed a movement on the bed, suggesting the presence of another person. It was still early, but he was asleep, tightly wrapped in a duvet.

"Pete, kitten, are you okay?" I walked closer, touching his forehead protruding from under the sheets until I heard a quiet moan. Fortunately, I didn't feel a fever.

"Phi," whispered a tired voice. "My head hurts."

I moved my hand to the place of the temple, massaging gently the sensitive spot. A sigh spread throughout the room, and slender fingers grabbed my wrist, but they didn't pull my hand away, they just held it, as if Pete needed to feel the warmth of my skin under the phalanges. I smiled gently, quickly slipping under the covers and hugging his hot body. I kept massaging, leaving gentle, almost imperceptible touches on the back of his sensitive neck, and Pete sighed, snuggling into me harder.

"How nice..." he hoarse, and I hid a smile that did not want to disappear from my face. "Do not stop, P'Vegas! Did you meet your dad?"

I didn't want to answer that question. I didn't want to bring him to our little sanctuary because I knew we were both aware of what my father thought about our relationship.

"Let's not talk about him," I asked, and Pete turned to me until we touched each other's noses.

"I'm sorry, Phi," he had sad eyes as he said that.

"For what?" I brushed the disobedient curl off his forehead, and he bit his lower lip gently, looking away.

"For the fact that you are arguing with your father because of me."

I shook my head, disbelieving Pete's mind process, and before he added something equally thoughtless, I kissed his mouth, handling his bottom lip much more gently than he did. I wanted to stay like this for a while and not want to break away from this warmth we shared, but I had to explain a thing that had been bothering our relationship for a long time.

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