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Damon Salvatore dying was probably the most unexpected thing Sydney was about to experience after returning home for 20 goddamn minutes.

He was very much bitten by Tyler Lockwood by the time he was in Alaric Saltzman's apartment babysitting Katherine and Sydney, crazy, right?

So her and Stefan decided to visit the witches to find any type of a clue to heal a werewolf bite, which seemed to be impossible to everybody else and almost to them too until they actually found the cure, except the cure was something that belonged to their favorite hybrid, Klaus, well more like his blood, which they knew they had to pay very hard to get access to.

So here they were again, at Alaric Saltzman's apartment, not even planning what they were going to offer.

Sydney gently knocked on the door as one of Klaus' minions opened it.

"Is Klaus here by any chance?" Stefan asked with a hint of politeness in his voice.

"Oh hello there, Salvatore, Sunshine." Klaus greeted.

Sydney was nervous that Klaus wouldn't help Damon and out of her nervousness she just ran to Klaus and kissed his lips thinking that this would help them save her best friend.

He was shocked but didn't hesitate to kiss back. Everybody was just looking at them wide-eyed.

The kiss felt like forever after Sydney finally pulled away.

"Oh i'm so sorry-" Sydney tried to act like a normal teenager would even though she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

"Ssh." That's all Klaus could say, while Sydney just walked and stood next to Stefan with a million thoughts running through her head.

"So uh Klaus." Stefan began.

"What is it." He asked.

"Me and Sydney have been looking for a cure, for A werewolf bite and the witches led us to you." Stefan explained shortly.

"Ah, who is dying?" Klaus smirked.

"That's not the case." Sydney randomly said.

"It is your soulmate's best friend." Stefan said without any emotions.

"Damon, huh? You all must be very sad, including the little sunshine over there, that's why she was sad enough to do whatever that was." Klaus said emotionlessly.

Sydney couldn't help feeling a little pang in her chest at Klaus' words, what was wrong with her? She wasn't in love with someone that killed his sister.

Klaus did notice how Sydney felt after his little statement and already regretted it. He hated the impact she already had on him. The kiss felt like the best kiss ever to him and he had a 1000 years of experience.

"I do have a deal in mind, would you mind listening?" Klaus offered and Sydney smirked. God, this girl could manipulate Klaus with just existing.

Klaus sped and then sped back with a bloodbag and a glass in his hands.

He carefully poured the blood into the glass and offered it to Stefan.

"You cannot help me, but there was someone The ripper of Monterey they called, he would be the perfect person for this situation." Klaus smirked.

"No, i am not him anymore." Stefan shook his head.

"Sunshine, Katerina please, leave us for a bit." Klaus asked with a bit of politeness in his eyes.

"Damon's life probably means a lot to you, how about that deal?" Klaus smirked.


When Katherine and Sydney walked back into the room, Stefan was a different person.

"Katerina, you're free to go. Take this to Damon." Klaus compelled while Stefan sighed and all Sydney could do was look around the room.

"She'll never take it to him, she'll never take it to him." Stefan looked at Sydney and she ran to his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Stefan, you forgot to mention the other part of the deal." Klaus reminded.

"I've heard, yeah i'll come with you." Sydney answered for Stefan.

"Are you sure?" Stefan asked helplessly.

"If it means saving my best friend's life, of course." Sydney smiled.


Stassie's notes
this is where the fun begins!! the road tripping everybody! also i just realised my book got 400 reads omg i'm so thankful!!

- take care, i love u

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