Part 19

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Antonio's pov:

I sit at the table thinking of everything I've done to Ellie and how I've ruined her life not once but twice.

I love them both so much there my family, even Angel she's not mine biologically but I want her to be my daughter and I want to be her father.

My phone suddenly starts ringing I answer and say "what do you want Marcus."

He replies in a worried tone "um Ellie and angel have got a plane to Spain" as soon as I heard that my heart dropped.

She's trying to get away from me, if she thinks that will get rid of me she's very wrong and very stupid she should know better by now. "Boss?" Marcus says probably wondering why I haven't said anything.

"Go to Spain watch them make sure there safe don't touch, speak or go anywhere they can see you. Every night you will report to me on what has happened and if there okay. If anything happens call me straight away I'll have a private jet prepared ready for anything. Got it?"

I heard a sigh "but sir I have a family can't u send someone els..." I interrupted him "no you will do it that's final, I will call you tomorrow night and have your location on at all times in Spain. I don't need to lose another man and I definitely won't allow to lose them.

"But...." He tried saying again "I said that's final Marcus" I say then end the call. If he isn't in Spain by tomorrow night he will have no family to think about.

Why is she going to Spain she must know id find out, or maybe it's for another man...

Don't be stupid of course it's not. She knows what happened to the last one wouldn't want to have to kill anyone else they love.

What is Ellie's been telling angel things what is angels afraid of me or worse what if she found a new daddy.

She will always be my princess no matter what, I know why Ellie ran I've seen from her records she did it have a good child hood.

Her mum and dad were arguing she was always moving back and forth.

She's trying to protect Angel form that happening to her, but I don't what to argue I love her I want to hold them both and never let go.

I suddenly think to try call Ellie's number again I just want to make sure she's okay and hear her beautiful voice.

I press her contact but it says "this number is no longer available" what? How? Why?


I have no way of contacting her, yeah I could look into it and find her new number. But she'll know I know she's in Spain, I can't scare her off i don't need her any further from home.

Or can I... maybe if she knows she'll listen and start being obedient.

Do it. Don't do it. Do it. Don't do it.

I'm doing it, I look up her name and go onto so dodge websites and find it.

I go to message her and put "you can run all you like darling just know I'll be following."

I sigh chucking my phone somewhere and passing out on my bed.

I was woken up to a phone call normally I would just ignore it but what if it's her. I'm quick to get out of bed well I didn't do very well the blankets where around me and I kind of fell.

Good no one saw that.

I lay on the floor where I fell and answer the phone, I hear heavy breathing and Marcus voice telling them to look for 'her' my baby? Where is she?

"Marcus what's happening" I say panicked "boss shes on the move, we've found the hotel they stayed at everything still there even your little girls teddy" Marcus finally says.

My little girl...

"They can't of gone far find them, don't make me fly out there and kill you" I grumbled and hung up.

Okay so my text didn't go down well, how was I suppose to know. Anyways if anyone can find her it's Marcus.

I trust Marcus with my life he's done a lot for me and my family, I of course would never hurt him in anyway.

But what's the fun in not threatening him to do stuff for me. Most of the time I feel bad but I need him to help me right now.

I'll give him a pay rise when he gets back that will make him happy.


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