Part 4

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Ellie POV:

I woke up the next day to hands around my waist hugging me tightly. I turn myself around carefully and see him peacefully asleep. How can he look so peaceful suddenly his dance turns into a smirk and he opens his eyes.

"You got a staring problem princess" he smirked at me and i try to get up but he holds me tighter. I suddenly felt pain in my legs and tears started to enter my eyes.

"Princess what's wrong?" He asks his smirk has vanished and was now replaced with a frown. His were a dark grey as he stares into mine.

"What hurts I can kiss it better" he chuckles FUCK NO "no!" I yell and he looks confused. "Didn't you learn from what happened in the basement need me to put you back in there with him?"

"No I'm sorry please don't" tears start to fill my eyes I was terrified of going anywhere near that basement.

"Then keep your pretty little mouth shut unless I ask you a question or or I give you permission to speak got it?" He said he then grabbed my neck and smashed me against the wall "got it?" He shouts at me.

"Yea" I say he looks even angrier "it's yes sir" he yells "yes sir" I felt numb I had no choice in doing what he said why can't I just have a normal life.

I wish my life was like all the romantic movies like why is it me he could of picked a prettier girl that wanted to have sex with him.
I snapped back to reality to feel something dripping from my head. I touched it and it was my blood it must have started bleeding again from the force that Antonio hit me against the wall with.

My blood drops onto the white rug on the floor and he looked furious. "Bitch you know how much this rug cost" and he pushed me and I hit a cupboard and is start to feel light headed.

He looked at me and I saw his eyes go lighter by a few shades and he looked worried.

"Baby I didn't mean to do that" he says and walks over to me and picks me up bridal style and takes me to the bathroom.

He places me on the counter and gets a cloth and started to clean the blood of my face and then putting pressure on my head we're the blood was coming from.

"How do you feel princess" he asks me it's like this is a different person what the fuck.

"I'm s-sorry" why the fuck do I keep stuttering I'm not scared of this dick. Ha who am I kidding of course Im fucking scared of him.

"It's fine I can buy a new rug but I can't buy a new you baby" he says and kisses my forehead.

"Here" he hands me a gun and I give him a confused face why the duck would he trust me with a gun.

"If I ever get mad protect yourself from me with this gun okay?" He asks me is he crazy "what?" I ask him why would he give me a gun so I can shoot him does he want to die that much?

"You heard me okay I'm so sorry for Doing that to you baby" he says to me and kisses me but I decided to kiss back I didn't want him to get angry again.

Then his phone starts ringing and he picks up and I heard the faint voice on the phone "boss your wedding is all planned and the day you will get married is on Wednesday if that's okay" the person on the phone said wait what.

"That's okay thank you" he says and hangs up and looks at me and my surprised face.

"And weddings on Wednesday love" he whispers in my ear and leave the bathroom smirking.

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