Part 14

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Antonio's pov:

When we get out the bath I write in my journal with her sitting next to me.

I don't know how I'm this lucky to be sat next to the most beautiful girl in the world. Even after I left her I got her back. She might not love me anymore but I will do anything for her to be happy.


I wake up with ellie in my alarms and angel jumping on the bed "MUMMY DADDY it's Christmas!!!!" She squeals happily I smile and lift her up and change her into her little Christmas outfit.

I wake up with ellie in my alarms and angel jumping on the bed "MUMMY DADDY it's Christmas!!!!" She squeals happily I smile and lift her up and change her into her little Christmas outfit

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"Let's go wake up mummy daddy" she says and holds my hand as we go wake ellie up.

But to my surprise she's already awake and changed she looks so beautiful. "Aww baby you looks adorable" is she talking to me or her. Her obviously.

"Presents!!!" She yells and runs downstairs how are kids so energetic. We walk into the front room to see she looking under the tree we're there was many presents.

"Antonio you didn't have to" ellie says probably feeling bad "no this is the least I can do" I say and go up to angel.
Angel sat at the kitchen island playing with her new doll "daddy can I have waffles" she says of course.

"Ok princess" I say and crack on making waffles.

After I was done I put chocolate, whipped cream and a strawberry on top. "Thank you daddy you make the best waffles."

Why didn't I used to like kids there adorable well this kid anyway.

She looks exactly like ellie the same eye colour and hair I wished maybe she looked a little like me but that's impossible.

I looked at ellie smiling haven't seen that in a while she leans on her tip toes and kisses my check.

I smirk "what was that for" I say she shrugs. "Daddy can we go to the park!" I look out the window and it's snowing.

"Not today princess it's cold let's go sit by the fire and gets some marshmallows. She squealed and ran to the living room.

"How did you know she loves marshmallows?" She sales raising a brow "what kid doesn't" I say and roll my eyes jokingly.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. But I wasn't expecting anyone and by the look on Ellie's face neither was she.

I open the door and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as my mum, my 2 brothers and my sister came in.

"Merry Christmas ace we didn't want you to be alone at a Christmas" my mum say and gives me a hug. "About tha..." I get cut of by ellie and angel walking in.

My mum looks surprised but smiles at them me and my brother exchanged funny looks and start laughing.

My sister just stood there in shock. "Mum this is Ellie, Ellie this is my mum" I introduce them trying to get this over with quickly.

"Nice to meet you dear" my mum says bring Ellie into a hug "you too" Ellie says politely. Them my mums eyes fell on the girl Ellie was holding.

"Who's this" she says looking at me and I just shake my head and say "Ellie's daughter" I'm kind of disappointed I couldn't say are daughter.

My mum smiles "she beautiful looks a lot like you Ellie but if you don't mind me asking who's the father" she say and I see Ellie frown.

"He passed away im helping Ellie at the moment" I say. "That's very kind of you ant" I forgot about that nicknames I saw Ellie giggle and angel get impatient in Ellie's arms.

Ellie let her go and angel ran to my brother and jumped and he gave her a strange look. "What's it doing" he says.

"Do you wanna play dolls with me?" Angel says to my brother he's surprised but nods slowly and drags him away.

My mother laughs and we go sit down in the living room. My other brother come Alexander comes in stressed sitting in a random seat.

Ellie sat down uncomfortable. Why is she nervous? I should be the nervous one before my mum starts saying shit and bring out my baby photos she always told me.

"One day you will find love and you won't think it's stupid anymore."

I called her stupid and told her to stop saying bullshit and left.

But now I understand and I can't let go as a stupid teenager I sweated I would never fall in "love" well younger me fuck you.

"Alexander be a bit more happy" my mum says to my brother slouched looking at his phone.

He gives her a sarcastic smile and goes back to what he's doing.

Then my step dad comes in oh shit. "Son" he says nodding at me then glaring at ellie. Ellie looked frightened terrified even.

"You have another slut?" My dad says shit after ellie left I had girls always in my house.

"Another?" I hear ellie mumble "shut it SHES not a slut.

"Show some respect for me boy" he says about to hit ellie but I catch his hand and yank it away.

Then everyone stops as my angel comes in asleep in my brother arms.

"What the fuck"

Heyy sorry for not updating in so long hope to update a bit more but I've said that before and never succeeded lmaoo.

Currently on the bus writing this.

Have a good day or night love yall 💗💗

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