Chapter Ten: The Afanc and Nimueh

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"Merlin, what have you done with the magic book I gave you?" Gaius whispered.

"Merlin, come here" I looked over to see faces of shock. Merlin slowly entered the bedroom, worried about what Arthur may have found," Look what I found, a place you can put things. It's called a cupboard". Merlin let out a strained chuckle. As Arthur searched and was looking away, Merl used his magic to cover up the book.

The Knights gathered around Arthur in the main chambers, as he asked," How long do you think it may be before you find a cure?"

"Depends how many interruptions I get"

"Of course, I'm sorry. We're finished here". With that they all exited the room. Gaius got a book on magical creatures and searched for a while to find the afanc.

"There" as he read aloud to us I zoned out, having already heard this many times in the show. I began to think about all those who have already died because of the illness and it has only been 48 hours. At least Gwen's father has not gotten it yet and Merlin hasn't been stupid enough to use a poultice to try and cure anyone yet. I personally saw to that yet. Maybe I should go talk to the dragon about why I am here, other than his cryptic claim about my destiny. Sometimes I think that dragon has gone mad in his years of solitude. It is still worth a try.

Merlin waved a hand in front, "Hey. Hey!"

"Yeah!" I said louder than I meant to.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just... I need to go do something" or rather go talk to someone. I stormed out of the room and speed walked towards the dungeons and into the dragons cavern.

"Hello, Kiligarah! I've come to visit and talk with you!" I shouted and waited patiently, knowing he likes to make an entrance.

"Welcome back, young traveler. What is it you wish to speak with me about?" The dragon said dramatically as he landed on his rock.

"I was wondering if we could continue our conversation from last time...?"

"Which part?", huh no objections... that's unexpected.

"The part about why I am here and how"

"The Why, I have already told you. It is your destiny to help guide and protect Arthur. As for how.. You were in an accident and nearly died but for some reason unknown to me, you were transported here to fulfill your destiny"

"But, it's Merlin's destiny to protect and help Arthur, why am I needed?"

"You will guide Arthur in a vastly different way than Emrys and you have already shown why you are need"


"You have helped prevent the deaths of so many people with your knowledge of a possible future. The future is moldable and not set in stone. We have a say in how it happens", and with that he flies away.

"You are so dramatic, you know that right!!!" I shouted out as he left and I heard him chuckle. I smiled that he at least has a sense of humor. Once I got back to Gaius' I found that the boys (Gaius and Merlin) had found the afanc shell and Gaius had seen the Mark of Nimueh. Merlin also had gone to get Morgana and Arthur , so I headed to meet them outside the tunnels.

"Scarlett!" Arthur said in surprise and worry. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I'm not going to let you guys go alone. Plus", I held up the sword that I had grabbed from the armory on my way," I have this and know how to use it".

"It's not safe, you and Morgana should stay here", Morgana looked at each other.

"Like that would happen"

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