It's not that he didn't get to know her, but rather he felt that after he knew her to a certain extent, she would show him a different side.

This urged him to want to explore again.

Lin Qing He paid no heed to this guy. If he has the ability to grasp her true colors, then she will surrender and confess to him. If not, then he can continue to be puzzled.

After this year, life went really fast.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day to start work again. Although the weather was still a bit cold, it did not hinder everyone's enthusiasm for going to the field.

Compared with other production teams, have to say that the atmosphere of their production team was really good. Even though there were also lazy bums, they were still rare.

Of course, Lin Qing He was within the ranks of lazy bums.

Since she married over, none have ever seen her earn a job point. If she wasn't a lazy bum, then what was she? But it just happened that no one can tell her off.

In the past, she got her man’s allowances, so she didn’t have to worry about food and clothing and can look down on people with pride.

Later on, her man can support her even though he had retired. She could still have a meal without having to go to work. It was said that she still changed her meal plans every day at home to make good food. Not a hint of desolation was seen.

Was this irritating or was this irritating?

What was worth mentioning was that after the nourishment throughout this winter, Father Zhou's complexion had improved a lot, which was evident to everyone.

His spirit was particularly great.

"It's nothing. This winter, Fourth's wife often cooks brown sugar ginger soup, which is also quite warming." Father Zhou stated implicitly.

The other old men couldn't help being a little envious.

Although Qing Bai's wife doesn't do fieldwork, they have to admire her ability in caring for people.

Before, it was Qing Bai and his sons. Now, old man Zhou was like this too. How can they not see how excellent the food was?

Mother Zhou scooped a bowl of gruel and fed it to little Su Cheng. Er Wa and San Wa were also eating it, but they both had sesame gruel.

"What is sesame gruel?" The other children didn't understand.

"It's a gruel made by grinding sesame seeds into powder and boiled with water." Er Wa introduced.

"Is it delicious?" Zhou Xia asked.

"Delicious! Go back and ask your mother to make it for you." Er Wa nodded.

A little sugar was added to the sesame gruel, so there was no need to say how delicious it was.

Second Sister-in-law's Zhou Xia sighed. How could his mother possibly make him this sesame gruel?

"Open your mouth," San Wa uttered.

As soon as Zhou Xia heard it, he squatted before him and opened his mouth with practice. San Wa scooped a spoon for him, and cleanly poured without letting his mouth touch his spoon, and said, "Now you know how yummy it is?"

"Very yummy." Zhou Xia nodded.

"Only giving you a spoonful, I don't have much myself," San Wa stated and then ate the rest of his share. He took the bowl in and put it away before going out to play marbles with the other children.

"Er Wa, are you going to school this year?" Zhou Xia asked Er Wa.

"Yes." Er Wa affirmed and looked at him: "Would you like to go with me?" Er Wa asked him.

"My mother won't let me." Zhou Xia sighed.

"Studying is a good thing, why won't she?" Er Wa responded.

"My mother said studying is useless." Zhou Xia said.

Er Wa remarked: "Why is studying useless? If you can get into college, you can bring money back home in the future. Can't you see how useful it is."

Mother Zhou, who was getting little Su Cheng to eat the millet gruel, said after hearing this: "Er Wa, do you want to take the university entrance exam?"

"Of course I have to take college entrance examinations. After going to college, I will have a job and I can have a lot of money every month. Then I can buy a lot of things for my mother." Er Wa said, and then vainly added the last sentence: "And buy a lot of things for grandmother."

At a very young age, he smoothly gave flattery. But this didn't affect Mother Zhou's joy: "Good, good, good! Then Grandmother will wait until you grow up to get admitted to college and make money to buy things for Grandmother."

After saying that, she turned to Zhou Xia: "Go and tell your mother, that grandmother said this. You will go to school with Er Wa this year and then see if you can get admitted to the Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers University and also show filial to your mother."

"Okay." Zhou Xia's eyes lit up, and then went home to talk to his mother.

He received an earful from Second Sister-in-law: "Your grandmother said it so effortlessly. It costs so much money for one semester. Our family is so poor, where is the money?"

"Mother, let my brother go and study." San Ni pursed her lips and persuaded.

"What study? No money." Second Sister-in-law snorted.

[Part 1] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now