Chapter 6

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I dont really have much to say but well I wat to start a music and movie recommendation. So Im starting with a song I was listening to while writing this chapter.

Song: From Now On (The greatest showman)

This song has always been my comfort fight song I hope you enjoy.

Now for the movie well its a new movie I love so mush and it was recommended by a nice person. PURPLE HEARTS its a really nice movie I know you all would enjoy it. Anyway, that's all for now.



Alexanders POV

After grandpa had the muffins, we decided to leave so he could rest.

Bye grandpa rest and take your drugs without throwing tantrums grandma reports you all the time. I said while arranging the space we ate. He looked so frail, and I hated seeing him this way.

Son your granny just wants to talk bad about me. You both should take care of yourselves. Also, you both should care of your sisters and brother. Also, tell Alexandro and Louise to come by with them I miss having everyone together. Grandpa said with a smile.

I really missed all our family dinners. People always wondered if we were related to him sometimes. We werent but we were still family. Xavier and I hugged him and kissed grandma goodbye. We walked into the car quietly. We didnt say anything. We were both occupied with our respective thoughts. With soft soothing playing in the background. We both hoped everything got better in the end.

We finally got to my house after a thirty-minute quiet drive. Xavier hoped out of the car and went straight to the door.

Hey fam, miss us. He shouted as if he didnt spend the last thirty minutes in silence. I smiled at his sudden change in behaviour. Liam walked into the living room, and they fist bumped and bro hugged. Mum came out o the kitchen with a spatula.

You should not scream your lungs out to announce your arrival boys. She said looking pissed.

As if on cue we both Xavier and I looked in each other's eyes and we both screamed Hey fam! we both burst out laughing while mum ran after us with the spatula. She planned to bet us up. Moments like this made my day. Xavier and I finally found a way to sneak into my room not forgetting to lock the door.

You know you boys would come out for dinner, right? So, hide as much as you can. Mom screamed from outside. We both couldnt help both laughing we laid down on my bed. Xavier was family so he was allowed in my room.

Xavier, I need to talk about something to you. I said to him while we were playing video games.

What is wrong bro? is it about that girl. The new girl with Audrey. I think she has occupied your mind. He said. I was shocked. How did he find out? Well since he knew that made my work easier.

Yes her. I dont know why but I feel drawn to her. It has never happened to me before. He smiled and spoke.

See now you know what its like for Audrey and I. Make a move bro you should not be foolish like me.

I thought about what he said, and I realised he was right. I had to do something about it. We both spoke for a while until he left to sleep. He had a room at my house, so he slept over.

Things went on as usual at school. Friday came quick. It was the only day I was supposed to be free but since the tournament was fast approaching, coach made us practise for hours. Football session was going to be hectic. The team we are playing against are tough. They won the last session. That left us in second place. We had to practise a lot harder to win this one. After a while coach gave us a break to gather ourselves together.

Claudia or whatever her name was walked into the room we were resting.

Hey babe, you didnt call me all week I missed you. She said in a screechy voice. I was really irritated by her presence.

Claret, just leave me alone Im not in the mood. I said really pissed. She gave me a pained look and said.

its Clara. Xander baby, you dont mean it right? I know you love me. She said hoping I was joking. I was really pissed and just said out of anger.

Well, wake up. I dont love you not even in the slightest way. We had a thing. It was fun. And now Im bored. So, please leave. I said aggressively. The only reason I talked to me was because her cousin was my other best friend, Scarlett. She was really shocked. I saw a tear slip from her eyes.

Xander you cant do this to me. Im your girlfriend. I laughed at how funny she sounded. My girlfriend.

You nah. You arent my girlfriend now leave. I was already really angry I felt bad, but I needed to make it clear to her. She was fuming.

Well, I broke up with you first remember that. She said pathetically.

She was really screaming. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Chloe. I said she was already walking away.

its Clara. She screamed red in the face.

Thankfully, coach called us back in for practise for another two hours.

After practise, I rushed to the shower and changed. I didnt waste time before I left the school premises. Xavier had other arrangements, so I didnt get to see him through out practise. I remembered I promised to take my sisters to the mall today so I was sure they would have wanted my head as a sacrifice.

I finally got home and just like I thought my sisters were at the door waiting for me.

Alex did you not realise we had a deal due today. Phoebe said. They looked angry.

We waited all day for you to show up. Do you want mum and dad to want has been going on. Phoenix said. I knew I had to pick my words.

They were both giving me the look. Im sorry I had practise. So, I could not come home early. We would go next week I promise. I said pleading with them hoping they would forgive me.

Okay, no problem this is your last chance and thats because we see how tired you next week it is. Phoebe said. I was so happy they let this one slide. I was already imagining all the excuses I could have given them. But well, they were being generous, and I couldn't make the same mistakes next week.


So thats all for chapter 6. Thank you all for 35 reads it may be little, but it means so much.

Also, I decided to stick with Alexander. His other name is still Blake but to avoid confusion his first name is alexander but his second name is Blake so his full name would only be called on special occasions. Anyway, thanks for coming on this journey with them. Remember I love you all.

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