Chapter 11 | WOWwweeeee

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Parents vented their wrath on the teachers. While rolling on the floor, the toddlers shouted and hurled tantrums. Firefighters and police officers were dispatched in a frenzy of wailing sirens and screeching tires. Amidst the chaos, Rindou swiftly passed through security with his new look. His purple hair was tucked into a preppy black-haired wig, tattoos covered, and brown color contacts set on his pupils.  It was all fixed with a cherry on top of stylish black glasses. He looked like the average rich daddy.

"Mr. (fake name)", The principal ushered Rindou into his office. (y/n) was perched on the large sofa, cheeks red from excitement.

(y/n) was puzzled by the presence of this unfamiliar man. Though, her eyes sparkled once she heard his voice.

"What happened?" Rindou's tone was harsh as he glared down at the short principal.

"Miss (y/n) is suspected of having... committed arson, charring an entire classroom. There are two arguments within our staff.  Some - myself included - were considering suspension over three months. The other half of the staff wants miss (y/n) expelled. "

Rindou froze, mind spinning, trying to grasp the situation. The phone call he received from the school was urgent so he'd assumed that (y/n) was hurt. Ran was mid-interrogation and Rindou did not want to agitate his older brother even more. So, he sprinted out of the building as his little niece's official guardian. Swiping loose strands into the wig in the speeding car, he mentally patted himself on the back for being a responsible adult. So much for being mafia huh?

"May I have a moment with my niece?" Rindou spoke slowly.

The principal pressed his lips together and nodded his head. He turned around to walk out the door. Once the door closed, Rindou leaned his head against the door to make sure nobody was listening from the outside.

(y/n) looked at Rindou with puppy dog eyes and chirped, "Rin."

"Explain." Rindou scowled and crossed his arms. His smile held no warmth.

"(y/n) was being bullied. (y/n) wanted revenge!!" (y/n) frantically waved her hands

Rindou crouched in front of (y/n), "But why did you BURN down a classroom? H- how did you do it?"

"Uhm," (y/n) fidgeted with the lighter in her pocket.

Rindou caught this at the corner of his eye.

"What's in your pocket?"


"(y/n)..." Rindou knew what it was and reached toward her pocket. (y/n) squirmed peeping quietly, "noooooo~". The expensive lighter popped out as she tried to reach for it, he quickly stood up eternally carrying the lighter out of reach from her little hands. The audacity of this child to steal his lighter. Who would've imagined she'd turn into a thief?

A brief moment passed before the phone rang. Rindou checked who it was, only to chuckle, "It's Ran."


Rindou pressed the green button on his phone screen and began to explain the whole situation in a long string of words. (y/n) could hear Ran cackle over the phone which sat in the crook of her uncle's neck. There was also the dull sound of heavy, running water and scrubbing.

After a minute or so, the water stopped, and Rindou's expression became dark. He began to check his wristwatch while verbally taking mental notes.

"Ok, that's a solid plan... mhm. I'll take the shorter route, 5 minutes got it... don't worry I have my gun. What?!... Ok fine. Yeah, she's with me. Mhm. K, see you."

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