Chapter 6 | Stonks

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"Money can do wonders," Kokonoi wickedly smiled. He pushed Sanzu's sunglasses over (y/n)'s eyes. (y/n) chuckled in response, smoothing her small fingers over the double G's that lined the side of her face. He could see her curious eyes glitter behind the shades.

"Money is power, and I have a ton of money," Kokonoi spoke smugly.

"Oooh, so Koko is powerful."


"But Dada and Rin said the treasurer was stingy."

"That's because I'm trying to prevent them from spending my money on useless things. Your dad and uncle are always wasting my investments. You need to tell them off sweetheart," he arched his eyebrows and smiled casually.

(y/n) pouted and crossed her arms, "Rude," she snapped, "Dada and Rin spend their money on me."

Kokonoi froze. She didn't know? The Haitani brothers threw notorious parties in the heart of Roppongi. Oh well, (y/n) was nearly three years old. They definitely wouldn't take her to their strip club.

"Oh sweetheart, you're definitely not the only thing on their receipt." Kokonoi patted her on the head, softly, twice.

"(y/n) wants to know what else Dada and Rin spend their money on!"

Kokonoi put his hand on his chin to think for a few seconds. "Alright, I'll show you the power of money."

"Where are we going?" (y/n) asked when Kokonoi placed her in the backseat of his car and scooted in beside her.

"Take me to the high-grade French restaurant from yesterday," he ordered the driver. The car swiveled away from the dark port.

"Koko, how do you make money?" It was an innocent question from a three-year-old.

Kokonoi's eyes sparkled. "Do you know what the stock market is?"

"A market that sells stocks." (y/n) guessed out of the blue. She kicked off her shoes in the spacey car. "But what are stocks? They sound like socks."

Kokonoi flicked through his documents which he conversed with her. "You're nearly there. A stock represents the fractional ownership of the corporation in proportion to the total number of shares that it has. The stock market is shareholders can transact with potential buyers and investors like myself."

(y/n) stared at him. He seemed in a good mood so she didn't interrupt him. So she nodded as if she understood everything. Kokonoi glanced at her. She was nodding slowly with a thinking face. The sunglasses on her face were so adorably large. He had to note down that she was still three.

"Imagine a company is a big cake."

(y/n)'s eyes lit up. "Mhm."

"An investor buys a cake for... let's say 150 dollars."

"That's a fucking expensive piece of cake. Why on earth would anyone want tHat."

"Language sweetheart!! Remember the cake is a company." Kokonoi huffed.

"OOOkay?" (y/n) was growing bored of the conversation.

"Now over time, because things happen, the price of the cake piece rises."

"But you'd eat the piece of cake. Why does the price increase?"

"It could decrease! That's why you have to be smart and choose a cake that will increase in value and you have to sell it at the right time."

"Why would you sell it tho?"

"Because when you sell it, and let's say the piece of cake is now 200 dollars. You just gained 50 dollars worth of profit. That's how you make money on the stock market."

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