Chapter 4 | Sanzu

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"So you want me to look after your kid."


"For an entire week?"


Mikey rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "Why me?"

"Well..." Ran looked at Rindou who looked back at him.

Looking back at Mikey the both of them spoke in monotone unison: "Because this is the safest place in Japan."

Mikey cringed at the perfectly harmonized speech.

"Fine, fine..."

"Thanks Boss!" Rindou said and skipped out of Mikey's penthouse.

"Would you like anything from Italy?" Ran asked while placing (y/n) in Mikey's arms.

Mikey felt (y/n)'s intense gaze burning into his chin. "No."

"Right. Be a good girl for daddy." Ran stroked (y/n)'s head one more time.

Mikey braced for the little girl to cry after her father. Instead, she plopped her head onto Mikey's chest and snuggled her face into his shirt. She looked towards Ran and spoke quietly, "Bye-bye dada."

Ran smiled at her and walked out of the room.

"Sup Mikey," she said. Mikey almost chuckled. She was a month until three years old

Like before, a sleep-deprived Mikey waltzed towards the sofa. He fell fast asleep with (y/n)'s comfortable weight on top of his chest.




(y/n) could walk quite quickly for a child her age. It was when she noticed a pink-haired man rush into the penthouse holding a folder and glancing at his watch at 10 pm.

"Sanzu!" (y/n) exclaimed. She was solving a 300 piece puzzle skillfully on the Bonten boss's carpet. Mikey was still fast asleep on the couch.

Sanzu noticed her. He grabbed a blanket from the living room cabinet and placed it over Mikey's limp body.

"Seems like boss get some rest when you're around," he whispered. He patted her on the head once before he turned around, dragging a suitcase behind him.

Locking Mikey's penthouse behind him, he walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. He entered the elevator. The doors began to close before they cranked wide open once more. Sanzu, puzzled, punched the 'close' button fiercely.

The elevator opened once more on the B1 floor. Sanzu dragged his suitcase out of the elevator and stopped when his phone rang. Sanzu pointed directly behind him at his suitcase and then guided his finger towards his car.

"Put it in my car," he ordered. A tall man in a black suit rushed behind him as Sanzu walked in the opposite direction to pick up the phone.

It hadn't been long before he opened the driver's seat of his matte black Lamborghini Aventador and took off.

It had been approximately 20 minutes, Sanzu was sipping his coffee to prepare himself for the rest of the drive from the center of Tokyo to Yohokama.

"Sanzu, where we going?"

It was a sudden flowery voice that sparked in the backseat of the car. Sanzu whipped his head around yelling, "HOLY SHIT!" Out of pure terror, he spun the driving wheel sideways in a rigid movement.

The car swiveled around with enough force that it almost crashed into the nearby truck. Sanzu was able to save that from happening, but he spun the wheel in the opposite direction at such force that the car spun and eventually collided with the guardrail at the side of the freeway.

Bonten's Princess | Tokyo Revengers Bonten AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora