Author's Note

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**Update: Construction on this story is now completed!

Hello, and thank you for choosing my story!

Coming Home is currently undergoing some construction- thank you for being patient with me while I rewrite/post the updated version!

◼ This story has been modified from its original version.

The original version of this book contained chapters that were incredibly short (between 300-400 words each)- in the newer version, some chapters have been/will be combined with each other, while others have been/will be lengthened with new content (or both).

Please note that the plot and storyline are not/have not changed; therefore, current readers will not need to reread previous chapters for the story to make sense- you won't be missing out on any significant events if you don't reread.

Disclaimer: This story is entirely a work of fiction. All locations, characters, events, etc., are purely creations of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to actual persons, places, or events are entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

◼ ⚠️ Warning: This story contains content that could be upsetting to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

◼ ⚠️ Warning: This story contains mature themes and potentially strong language.

◼ ⚠️ Warning: This story contains potentially triggering topics that include, but are not limited to: abuse, bullying, sexual assault, victim blaming, and death/suicide. Chapters containing such content may not be directly labeled. Reader discretion is advised.

◼ Thank you for choosing to read my story! I hope the experience is an enjoyable one for you.

--Stacy ❤

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