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I awaken to a loud and incessant pounding on the front door of my grandmother's home early in the morning, much earlier than I'd like to wake. Honestly, the knocking is so excessive that it could likely wake the entire household and possibly the neighbors, making me feel sorry for Grandpa Jones and Kelli. As I sleepily stumble from my bed and make my way to the door, I feel hopeful that everyone else will be able to go back to sleep. I'm wholly surprised when I open the door to reveal my Uncle Dave and Levi, broad smiles on both their faces.

"Lexi, you'll never believe what has happened!" Uncle Dave exclaims, at the same time that Levi practically shouts, "You've got to come and see this!"

I stare at the two men in shock as they barge into my house, my brain not even fully awake yet as I try to process whatever is happening right now. Rubbing a hand over my tired face, I mumble, "What exactly is going on here?"

"Quickly, Lex, get dressed. We've got something to show you," Uncle Dave urges, motioning with his hands in a way that tells me that I should do what he has asked without questioning him further. Even in my sleep-clouded state, I can tell that something suspicious is going on, but I try to shake that thought from my head. With a sigh, I head back to my room to change my clothes, my curiosity piqued. While I have no idea what these guys are up to, I must say that whatever this is had better be worth all the trouble.

I don't give up my sleep for nothing, you know.

Once I'm fully clothed and appearing somewhat presentable, Levi drives us down Main Street, where a large group of townspeople is gathered around a bench in front of the little drug store. Uncle Dave and Levi are silent as they hurriedly usher me from the car to join the crowd, my eyes sweeping over the gathering of people in search of answers.

I immediately recognize the woman standing on the bench as soon as my gaze falls upon her. It seems as if all the air in my lungs has suddenly disappeared as I stare at the face of my mother. Taking my hand and soothingly rubbing his thumb over my wrist, Levi offers me some comfort as I stand on the street in profound confusion.

"I thank you all for joining me out here today," my mother addresses the crowd, straightening her posture as all eyes turn toward her and the people before her suddenly grow silent. "My name is Christine Miller, and I am here to finally set things straight," she continues before taking a deep breath. "Five years ago, I let my feelings get the best of me, allowing rumors to spread around town and hurt the one person who should always be most important to me. I regret my actions very much and have spent a lot of time wishing I had done things differently. Today, I would like to share with you all the truth."

I'm pretty sure my heart stops beating entirely as the realization sets in that my mother is about to tell the town what actually happened all those years ago.

Unknowingly, my grip on Levi's hand tightens significantly. He gently rubs circles on the back of my hand with his thumb, calming me, if even just a little; I never knew such a simple action could have such a profound effect on me.

My mother continues her speech, "When I left this town, I was... Well, angry wouldn't even begin to cover it. I was infuriated, devastated, shocked, and appalled, all at the same time. My feelings were intense, and even in my own mind, the things happening around me didn't really make any sense. It took me a while to realize that all of my anger back then was mostly at myself for allowing such atrocious things to happen right under my nose. Unfortunately, I was looking for someone to blame and took my pain out on the person closest to me at the moment." After a short pause, she takes another deep breath and adds, "I had come home to find my husband sexually assaulting our daughter."

Gasps and murmurs can be heard throughout the rather large crowd, but I can't seem to focus on anything other than the woman pouring her heart out in front of me. I continue to stare at her, my eyes welling with tears and my heart feeling both mended and wounded at the exact same time.

My mom's eyes sweep over the gathered people before her before locking onto mine. "I'm so sorry, Alexis," she says, choking back her own tears as they threaten to spill over. "I should have been there for you; I should have helped you. I definitely should not have blamed you for what happened, as none of it was your fault. I don't think I'll ever be able to express how deeply sorry I am for the way I acted that day, and I won't... I can't blame you if you never forgive me." Clearing her throat in an attempt to force away her mounting sadness at the realization that we could have maintained a relationship over the last five years if she had simply acted differently, she averts her gaze back to the townspeople. "Alexis was the victim all those years ago, and with the way I reacted to the situation, she continued to be a victim. Not only was she suffering from her father's sexual assault and abuse, but she was also tormented by vicious rumors, hurtful gossip, and unnecessary bullying. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for how we've treated her."

Jumping down from her perch on the bench, my mother approaches me slowly, her face wet with tears. "I am so, so sorry, baby," she whispers, wrapping her arms tightly around me.

My emotions overwhelm me, my own tears letting loose as my mother embraces me, and the two of us stand in the street, crying in each other's arms in front of half of the town. This moment is precisely what I didn't know I needed this entire time.

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