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Within days, I've got my new home ready for the new arrivals, and just in time, too. I'm just finishing straightening the covers on the last bed as an alarm on my phone chirps. Checking the clock, I discover it's time to head to the airport to pick up Grandpa Jones and the live-in nurse that I hired for him. I hurry out the door, eager to see the man who means so much to me.

An unfamiliar feeling rises in my chest as I make the drive, one that brings a wide smile to my face. My heart flutters like a hummingbird, slamming so rapidly against my ribs that I'm afraid it may somehow manage to vibrate right through it. I can't find the words to explain the strange emotions that overcome me, but something about moving Grandpa into my Gran's house just feels... right.

The smile on the old man's face when he spots me has my heart bursting with joy. Somehow, at this moment, I know that this entire situation has begun to turn around; remaining in this town for a while might just be bearable.

Our reunion is exactly like I had hoped it would be, filled with hugs, laughter, and an overwhelming amount of love. Even in his poor health, Grandpa Jones can't help but spread his happiness and positivity to everyone around him. It's one of the things I admire most about him; his ability to lighten anyone's mood by simply being himself completely astounds me.

My gaze travels to the woman standing beside him, a pleasant grin taking over her lips as she silently watches me interact with Grandpa. If I didn't already assume that she was his nurse, this would probably be an incredibly awkward meeting; I don't know if I could handle a complete stranger staring at me for so long right now.

"You must be Kelli," I say, standing from my previously crouched position in front of Grandpa's wheelchair. "It's nice to meet you," I continue, nervously dusting my hands on my pants. "I'm Kate."

"Mr. Jones has told me a lot about you," Kelli gushes, the smile never leaving her face. "I've quite anticipated finally meeting you."

I quirk an eyebrow at her statement before turning my attention to Grandpa Jones. "You've been talking about me, huh?" I ask, my eyes squinting at him as he noticeably fails at hiding his stretching smile.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he simply shrugs in response.

"He hasn't stopped talking about you since he heard the news," Kelli interjects excitedly, her hands moving animatedly as she speaks. "All good things, I promise," she adds quickly, noting the uncomfortable expression on my face.

"Whatever he's told you, it's all lies," I mumble grumpily, eliciting a chuckle from both Grandpa and the nurse. "Let's get this show on the road," I announce, rubbing my hands together as if I'm actually excited about the prospect of returning to the house.

And I am, I admit. If only a little.

There's a comfortableness that warms my stomach at the thought. I'm quite thrilled to have Grandpa here with me, if I'm honest. Sharing the things I once loved about this place with him makes me feel a blissfulness that I haven't known in a long time.

The ride back to the house is filled with endless chatter, and I can't find it within myself to dislike it even a little. Any lull in conversation is quickly dissolved with Grandpa's corny "dad jokes" that, for some reason, have Kelli and me nearly busting at the seams. It makes me acknowledge just how much I've missed the old man while I've been away; I couldn't be more grateful that we're together again.

"Will Teddy be at the house?" Grandpa Jones asks, interrupting the fit of laughter coming from the front seat.

I'm momentarily speechless, my brain malfunctioning as I wordlessly wish that Theo hadn't been brought into this conversation. I take only a second to compose myself, my mouth forming an answer quickly, spitting the words out as if they leave a bitter taste on my tongue. "Theo and I broke up," I inform him. "He's back in New York where he belongs, and I won't be seeing him anymore."

A shaky, wrinkled hand reaches from the backseat, lightly falling onto my shoulder. I glance up into the rearview mirror, making eye contact with Grandpa for a short moment before returning my gaze to the road. "I never liked that Teddy," he confesses loudly. "That boy was no good for you; I knew it from the beginning."

My eyes widen in surprise at his words, but that feeling quickly vanishes. I, too, knew from the beginning that Theo wasn't the one for me. I knew we didn't quite fit together, but I allowed our relationship to go on anyway. I'm just not sure that I expected such a direct response from Grandpa on the subject. A small smile creeps onto my lips as I realize I shouldn't have expected anything less; that's just who he is, always looking out for me.

It doesn't take long to get Grandpa and Kelli settled in, the house alive with the sounds of our cheerful banter. It brings back some of my most cherished memories of my Gran, if I'm honest. I quietly revel in the contentment as it consumes me, letting myself enjoy feeling at peace for a change.

Maybe inheriting this house is a blessing in disguise.

By the time we're done unpacking, the doorbell rings. Unexpected guests are not typically something I would welcome on any given day. But here, in my hometown, I feel even more distressed than usual at the idea of unwanted company. A feeling of dread pools in my stomach as I try to guess who might be on the other side of the door.

My footsteps feel heavy as I head toward the entryway, something within me begging me not to go any further. Maybe if I don't answer, whoever it is will simply go away. I take a deep breath, convincing myself I'm strong enough to withstand whatever is waiting for me on my porch.

I can do this.

Both hoping that it's Levi and afraid that it isn't, I hesitantly open the front door. Unfortunately, instead of Levi's handsome features, I'm greeted with the displeased face of my Uncle Dave.

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